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If you woke up at 1am and your wife wasn't in the bed with you, what would be your first thought?

Mine was she's in the nursery staring at the clothes or rearranging something as she had been so often lately.

I threw the covers back and let my feet hit the floor, grabbing some boxers and pulling them on.

I laughed to myself as I spotted the kitchen light on and her body facing away from me as she peered into the fridge.

"Belle" I spoke quietly so I didn't frighten her like the previous night, she had been holding a plate of chicken and threw it towards me, I missed but not by much and luckily caught the place. As I got closer, I realised she was crying "Isabelle what's the matter?"

She turned around and I frowned, she really was crying, shit.

"I hate him" She lifted her shirt to wipe her eyes.

"Who baby?" I tried not to laugh, but she was cute when she was standing barefoot, pregnant and crying in the kitchen with the fridge open.

"Parker that's who" She hissed.

I narrowed my eyes and stepped forward "What did he do?" I asked.

She cried a new set of tears and slammed the fridge door shut "He ate the last of the chicken I wanted, I hid it on purpose, and he just ransacked the fridge."

I couldn't help it, that had to the funniest, cutest and downright sexiest things I have ever seen, all because Parker ate her KFC that she hid from us, I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head, wiping her tears away with my thumbs "Would you like me to go buy you some more?" I offered.

Her eyes lit up and I knew I had just scored myself getting laid points.

"Really, you would do that for me?"

I nodded "If you want me to, then I will go and buy some and tell Parker to keep out of it"

"I love you baby" her arms wrapped around me tighter and her mouth kissed me "Do you want some company?"

We both dressed and headed to town in her car, I was wide awake and the fresh night only woke me up more. She was lucky it was now Saturday morning otherwise I wouldn't have offered.

"Walk in or drive through?" I asked.

"Drive, it's too cold to walk in" She shivered and rubbed her arms. I flicked the heaters up higher and the heated seats for her.

Surprisingly it was busy for almost 2am, mostly young kids pissed and getting food. Fuck to think back to those days it brought the memories back.



"Do you think I'm fat?"

I wanted to laugh but didn't. She had asked this question a lot lately and I think it was due to her eating through the nights, I put my foot on the break and looked over at her, her fringe covering half her still red eyes as she looked down at her stomach, I pulled my phone out and took a photo of her.

"What did you do that for?" she grumbled.

"Sweetheart to me you're the most beautiful woman to walk the earth, you're not fat. You're pregnant and I can't wait until our baby is born, but I can't wait until your pregnant again, I love your body. Trust me." I shrugged "Now what do you want because you've made me hungry and I'm going to sit up and eat with you."

"I want the family meal with burgers and chicken pieces" She smiled and lent over, I met her halfway and kissed her.

Pulling out onto the road a group of kids ran across and I felt my insides churn, by the noise coming from my wife's mouth she was seeing what I was seeing.

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