Sitting outside on the porch I watch as the people rush to finish up their work before going in to the so called safety of their home, tonight is a special night the very first warm night of the year I heard the stories of the goddesses children and grandchildren, who come out of the castle anyone caught outside disappears by morning all my life and like everyone else I hid in my house.

The stories all start the same but end two different ways the goddess came and blessed certain families that have roots of nobility, to give her daughter siblings when she returns the first chosen became a vampire, the second controls the lycans, the third controls the giant fish, and the fourth can manipulate your mind and breath life into dolls, her last visit resulted in three daughters for the vampire accused of witch craft and meant to burn, she came and took them in front of everyone the people learned that the witches lived when they returned for revenge on the people who tried to kill them.

Everyone now hides in fear of them coming out for more revenge but I can't hide this year I have to see this, coving my mouth coughing I sigh refusing to look at my handkerchief I know how it
looks already.

Hearing the distant giggling I look out ahead of me seeing the sun has set into twilight, standing up I slowly walk to the village square trying to ignore the painful wheeze and shake of each breathe reaching the maiden statue I sit down coughing and doubling over.

"You should be hiding" a voice says giggling behind me.

Turning my head I keep a hand on my stomach that's sore from so much coughing "Why?" I ask with a scratchy cracking voice.

"It's harvest night that means you are likely to become a gift for mother, Aunt Donna, my uncles or grandmother"

Nodding I cough ignoring the witch daughter with her upper face and hair hidden all I can see is her nose and mouth "Okay" I say getting up.

The daughter grabs my face and I see her frown looking at me "you're sick?"

"Dying" I say laughing before turning away from her coughing again.

"You could barely walk here you can't run" she says smugly.

"Not running" I say softly.

"Then why get up?" She asks sounding confused.

"You said I am likely to be a gift to someone I figure if I'm not I'll be killed right away, I'm not running just if you kill me please make it as fast and painless as possible"

The girl sighs turning into a swarm surrounding me I feel us moving and catch glimpses of trees, till finally I'm dropped to my feet and she grabs my arm leading me up onto a porch before walking in.

Looking around I frown seeing papers and books scattered around it looks like a mess, but I feel like the person knows where everything is and like it's in order to them.

"Grandmother I brought a test subject" the girl says proudly.

Hearing someone walking I see the bare face of Mother Miranda, as she stalks up to me grabbing my face tilting it how ever she wants "open" she orders tapping my cheek.

Opening my mouth she hums looking in my mouth "she will do thank you dear" she says then kisses the daughter's head before dragging me into a room.

"What do you have?" She demands.

"Don't know, I just know I'm dying it's what happened to my parents"

She nods "sleep" she whispers.

Waking up I groan touching my face "you're body accepted the Cadou but you are not what I need".

I notice you (Edited May 1st 2024)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora