Feeling my arm being rubbed and my name said softly I open my eyes humming seeing Zena smile at me, before explaining she has to lead on cleaning I nod curling up before falling asleep again.

Waking up again hearing the door open I hear sniffling seeing Zena wiping her eyes getting up I stumble slightly before wrapping my arms around her, rubbing her back unsure about how to comfort her "She fucking pinned me to the bed threatening me with her damn claws because she smelled you on me".

Shaking my head and fighting back a growl I lead her to the bed telling her she's okay, feeling her curl up to me silently crying till she falls asleep.

Next Morning

Getting up I shower and dress coming out planning to go get breakfast, I jump seeing the door open with Freda glaring at me "stay the whole night?" she asks gruffly.

Zena groan pulling her pillow over head "shut up Freda, she didn't do anything wrong, she
was respectful I instigated everything" Zena says muffled by her pillow.

"Get up and get cleaned girl I can smell sex all over you" Freda orders smirking.

Zena groans kicking her feet "damn it I'm fucking 28 years old, I'm not a child" she says whining.

"Yet your throwing a fit like a child"

"It's your fault with all that controlling mom energy you give off" she grunts getting up.

Freda smirks sitting down on the chair handing me a plate with double my normal amount "share with the drama queen" she says before starting to eat.

I nod slowly eating waiting for her to join us once she does she sits by me in a robe taking the
extra fork to eat.

"The maids are getting to quiet I seen a few notes" Freda says after finishing her food.

Zena nods looking down "are we the only ones loyal?" I ask.

"No the head maid is along with her 'roommate' they will be joining us soon" she says rolling her eyes while saying roommate making Zena laugh.

I frown looking between them before Zena leans closer to me "she swears they are just roommates but they both always have hickeys and can be heard moaning at night" she whispers.

I smile nodding till the door opens seeing a tall blonde woman built like a lumberjack stomp in with a small almost pixie like woman coming in, I know the pixie one is the head maid Amanda, but the lumberjack woman I don't remember judging by the belt I guess she handles

"Regina this is Amber yes she handles repairs" she says motioning the belt.

"Any news?" Freda asks.

"I've seen more notes and the maids are dividing I believe the ones either loyal or not unhappy are separating from the others" Amber says crossing her arms.

"Any chance we can stop it before it starts? we have a problem that complicates things much more"

"No to far in, they managed to get by quickly what's the problem maybe we can plan around it?" Amanda says.

Freda motions to Zena "she's pregnant by Lady Dimitrescu".

Seeing them look at her shocked she sighs opening her robe slightly Amanda sighs tilting her head "I knew this would happen someday I just think I'd be alive to see it".

"She needs a guard and when the fight happens we need to protect her" Amber says calmly.

Freda nods rubbing her forehead "I hate these bitches" she groans "okay we need to find who is loyal and get them on our side the ones not wanting to fight to, but they are less trustworthy they could turn. Regina you will be working with Zena when everything happens do everything you can to protect her we will as well but your our last line of defense for her and the girls".

Two weeks later

Walking down the stairs with Zena talking and laughing while I carry our cleaning supplies Zena gasp slipping forward, I jump dropping our stuff wrapping my arms around her yanking her into me falling on me back on the stairs and sliding down a few I keep her above me blocking her stomach.

Once we stop she moves off me staying sat down shaking and pale I rub her back before hearing a door slam, I look up seeing the girls swarming to us "What happened?" The demand.

"I lost my balance is all, Regina caught me" she says quietly.

Before they can speak we hear a loud bang and gun shots "Shit" I hiss pulling Zena up "INTRUDERS" I yell pulling Zena to reach her room that Amber rigged for her.


Reaching the hall I need to cross to reach the staff section I peak out seeing it's clear, and we run across "FUCK" I scream seeing the staff section over run.

Pushing Zena behind and heading for the entrance room to guard her I keep pushing us back as the sounds get closer trying to track the noise.

As the fight spills out into the entrance I push her back more seeing a maid charging us with a
knife, I charge her only to be slammed into by a large man trying to fight him off.

Amber comes up yanking him off me getting up I scream seeing a man pointing a gun at Zena as she holds a maid by her wrists, trying to keep her from getting upstairs running for her I drop hearing a loud bang and my leg give before feeling a burning in it.

Pushing myself up I see Freda throw herself in front of Zena as the man shoots.

Screaming I shift charging the man who shot at Zena taking him to the ground ripping his throat out, turning I spot the maid that was trying to get upstairs tackling her quickly repeating my attack.

I run around ignoring the pain in leg convinced both Zena and Freda are dead killing anyone I deem a threat, with the girls who have started paralyzing everyone they target.

When everythings done I limp to Freda and Zena seeing Freda shaking I move her gently looking at both seeing Zena shaking and crying "Zena" I whisper touching her face.

Her eyes while open look past me as the girls swarm over "Freda?" She whispers sadly.

I shake my head "she didn't make it" I answer sadly.

Zena nods "my girls?" She asks.

"We're okay Momma" Daniela says.

"We need to move the bodies and Freda" Amanda says coming up "we also need to treat our people who are hurt".

Looking around I see Amber dragging bodies around tossing who was trying to attack us while lifting those on our side to move gently.

Waving her over she jogs up and shakes her head seeing Freda before she sighs reaching down lifting Zena up.

that night

I jump seeing my door open "hello Regina" Mother Miranda says stepping in "I came to see how you are doing but it seems I missed a fight".

Nodding I look away from her "the maids revolted Freda died".

She hums sitting on my bed by me "I heard, my granddaughters made it clear they are upset their mother never even came out to help because her newest pet was more important, and that this Freda died protecting their Momma Zena" she says nodding.

"I'll handle the bodies and have a list of everyone who was fighting to protect my granddaughters and ungrateful daughter, I will personally check each person's will and make sure their final wishes are met, now let me check your leg I was told you were trying to reach Zena and got shot".

Nodding I lay down letting her check me "Amber done a decent job with your leg it looks like a threw and threw".

"It was" I mumble.

I notice you (Edited May 1st 2024)Where stories live. Discover now