Regina pov

Leaving Zena and the babies to deal with that loud aggressive thing posing as a man was hard but as much as I hate to admit it I know Lady Dimitrescu will keep them safe so will Mother Miranda and Lady Beneviento.

Quickly moving to the pottery room I see everything is set out and ready for this afternoon then see the girls waiting in the room smirking at me.

"Everything is still working and ready" Bela says holding onto Dani who has an excited look on her face.

She suddenly swarms surrounding me I grunt feeling her slam into me "your gonna mate with Aunt Donna and be our Aunt soon" she screeches hugging me.

Freezing I look at Bela and Cassandra panicked "mate? This is a first date that's to early to have sex" I screech.

Bela frowns looking at me before groaning "did grandmother really not tell you about mating?"

"I know about sex I had that talk with my dad and mom as a teenager"

"Not sex Regina, mating for some reason creatures or supernaturals are ranked as Alpha, Beta, or Omega when we find our perfect mate we want them around and will do everything in our power to make them happy, once you have won over your mate you will end up married but mating for us is not about sex it's about building a life together. Unless your mother then you try to push them away because you don't know how to handle it" Bela says amused.

"Ranks?" I squeak.

"Yes humans are basically Beta like myself, Cassandra is Alpha it means she's more aggressive and short tempered, Dani is an Omega so she's more playful and Free spirited, while Alphas are in charge of all of their Territory an Omega is in charge of the Alpha they keep them from getting to cocky or an over inflated ego, Beta tend to be calm unless threatened or around groups that are upset"

"What am I?" I ask confused.

"Alpha with Omega energy" they all three say laughing "it's why mother doesn't like you because you are an unmated alpha in her territory, plus you been around Dani who is an unmated Omega and Zena is mother's mate".

"What's Lady Beneviento?"

"Omega with alpha energy"

"What does that mean?"

"It just means you don't act like what's consider normal for an Alpha or Omega"

"So Dani expects me to marry Lady Beneviento?"

"We all do" Cassandra says smugly before they swarm away.

Leaning on the wall I frown processing what they just told me I wonder why she didn't tell me this it would have been nice to know.

"What's wrong with you?" I jump slightly seeing Angie floating near me.

"I just learned about ranks and mating I didn't even know what that meant"

"Did that bird fucking bitch not tell you about that?" She screeches.

"Bird fucking bitch?" I repeat confused.

"Yes, she turns into a murder of crows and has been known to stay like that watching the village, I'm sure she's ended up fucked by a real bird in the spring"

"I really didn't need that image in my head Angie" I say cringing.

She laughs while landing on my shoulder "please that is funny" she says slapping my arm before stopping "I'm technically a pure supernatural creation, I've never been human I came into existence by Donna's deepest desires".

"What's that?"

"On the surface it's not to be alone but when looked at closer a family that loves her and wouldn't leave, her parents one day walked outside and jumped off the waterfall killing themselves that left her alone with her younger sister Claudia" Angie says while floating over to the pottery wheel.

I notice you (Edited May 1st 2024)Where stories live. Discover now