Donna pov


I sigh hearing Angie on the phone debating on if I should I take it, Karl's been calling a lot it's probably him I'll let her argue with him.


Getting up I run taking the phone knowing Angie will threaten her and I really don't want to deal with her in bad mood.

"What is it Alcina?" I ask nervously.

"You have two new nieces and a nephew come meet them"

I sigh agreeing to come before hanging up "she gets all the breaks people throw themselves at her for her attention, she has someone who's in love with her that she takes for granted and
ignores, and now she's gotten new children probably made like the girls" I whisper.

Angie huffs crossing her arms looking down "are we going?"

"Yes, we have to meet her new children and you'll be able to see Zena"

Angie nods gathering my flowers pollen as I pull my vail on before picking her up as we make our way to the village, I let her go watching as she throws the pollen around pushing what I want seen on everyone I catch Angie before making our way up to the castle.

Coming to the door I knock waiting, the head maid opens the door with another following
behind her she bows to me "welcome Lady Beneviento and Miss Angie" she says stepping aside letting me in.

"Do you want someone to accompany you to Lady Dimitrescu office?" She asks.

I shake my head no as Angie floats off to look around making my way past the maids, I head
for Alcina's office walking in pulling my vail off.

"Donna how nice of you to finally visit" she says smirking.

"I was not interested in seeing your new pet, now where are the new children?" I say completely ignoring her frown.

She sighs standing up motioning to the window making my way over I look out seeing Zena with three babies and the girls "you made her a nurse maid?" I ask frowning.

"No she is their mother, she gave birth to them"

Looking down at her I see her glance up at us before a maid draws her attention, turning I storm past Alcina moving fast to get outside.

Stepping out with Alcina following me I look at each baby I can see them both in each child,
but the one with black hair looks just like Alcina.

"Lady Beneviento it's nice to see you again" she says bowing slightly to me, I can't allow the mother of my nieces and nephew to call me something so formal "Donna call me Donna" I say watching her stutter before agreeing.

Hearing someone groaning I look at the maid as Zena shoves a wipe to her nose pushing her
head back, she keeps looking at me reaching up to adjust my vail I panic realizing that I left it inside then turn rushing back in.

Regina pov

Coming back from shopping I put all my stuff away, my head feels kind of fuzzy but I shrug it off following the sound of Zena and the kids I find them in the garden.

I smile jogging up "Oh yeah let Aunty Kitty see them perfect babies" I coo making Zena jump.

Squatting down I play with them while Dani and Zena talk when Faya cries Zena picks her up swaying her talking to someone, looking up at the unknown voice I lose my balance falling face first to the ground.

Groaning I keep my hand over my nose as Zena asks what happened seeing Lady Beneviento looking at me I blush panicking "I tripped and fell over a huge rock" I blurt out not thinking.

I notice you (Edited May 1st 2024)Where stories live. Discover now