Next day

Getting up I quickly get my food ducking back in my room to eat with Freda joining me "did you use to eat alone?" I ask.

She nods cutting up her food "yes, but years ago I had sisters here another who was like me while the other two didn't care what we ate".

"What happened?" I ask.

"It's not uncommon for the maids to try to raise up and revolt against the ladies I've live threw it twice now, I'm 50 the first time we all survived but our food supply was burned. I was 18 the youngest of our group we decided to eat what was available because food couldn't be brought in that was the other maids, myself and one of my sister's found we enjoyed it the second time. Only I survived, I seen two of my sisters killed and froze my last remaining sister who was the oldest jumped in front of me getting killed, that left me alone but I learned the signs of something brewing Lady Dimitrescu was kind enough to allow me to have my sister's laid to rest and gave me their last paycheck, they are not monsters just not understood and attack everyone for their safety it's why not many know who they are inside, although Lady Dimitrescu is a spoiled child use to getting her way she is a good mother, her girls are her everything"

I nod thinking about what she said "so what are the signs?"

"The maids stop fighting, they pass notes, and bitch less if you notice this or anyone asks what you think about being here you better tell me and not join in. If they learn what you are then you will be wanted dead too" she gruffly says.

Hearing something breaking Freda sighs looking up "Fucking incompetent moronic bitches, I'm going to drain everyone of them".

She gets up storming into the kitchen and I follow after her to see what happen finding Zena glaring at a maid shaking as her hand pours blood with glass covered in blood at her feet, I watch as she takes a deep breath then screams hitting the maid with her bloody hand before grabbing her throat.

Both tumble onto the table as she chokes the maid slamming her head on the table "DO NOT FUCKING SPEAK OF THEM LIKE THAT YOU STUPID CUNT" she screams with tears running down her face.

Hearing a sickening crunch Freda moves forward getting Zena to let the maid go checking her hand out, she sighs wrapping it and lifting it above her head before digging threw a box "What happened?" Freda barks.

"That stupid bitch called Daniela a disgusting monster" Zena says glaring at the body.

Stepping forward I move the body seeing her head swaying loosely before seeing a large knot I shrug looking at Freda "necks broke".

"Get her to the draining room" she orders pointing to the cellar door.

Nodding I grab the body as Freda starts stitching Zena's hand pulling it over my shoulders I push the door open, looking around seeing bodies in barrels a hand sticking out of one shrugging I look around finding a room with hook and buckets, quickly removing her outfit and getting the hooks in her ankles.

I glance around seeing hair clippers grabbing them I cut
off her hair then pull the chain lifting her up and secure it, I grab a large bucket setting it under the maid before grabbing a knife off the table cutting her throat.

Looking around I see the whole area is super industrial and clean hearing someone coming I glance seeing the blonde daughter frowning at me.

"Good morning My lady, Freda told me to bring tomorrows dinner down to drain" I say happily.

"You stripped it?"

Nodding I clean up the area "Yes ma'am, it will protect the outfit for another maid to use".

"You do realize I'm who gave you to grandmother correct?" She asks frowning.

Shrugging I smile "no ma'am but thank you for that, I'd accepted death but it didn't mean I wanted to die I'm only 27".

She scoffs before swarming off.

Donna pov

Walking to my room I sigh hearing Angie arguing with someone stepping in I see her on the phone "No I won't, you're not the maid I listen to stupid bitch".

Frowning I take the phone "Donna speaking" I whisper.

"Finally" the woman huffs, pulling the phone away I glare at it, that's not Zena's voice I liked
her she was nice and good with Angie.

Pulling the phone back I frown "you will watch how you speak with me and Angie girl, now what do you want?" I snarl.

She huffs "Lady Dimitrescu has invited you for tea" she says sounding annoyed.

Frowning I look at Angie seeing her shake her head no "I will only discuss this with her so put her on now".

Hearing shuffling I finally hear my sister "Donna dear come for tea with the girls and I" she says sounding amused.

"Who the hell was that disrespectful bitch on the phone?" Angie yells yanking the phone.

Getting her off I sigh "who is the woman I just spoke to?"

"My new pet, she's very beautiful" Alcina says smugly.

"Where the fuck is Zena you giant bitch? you better not have hurt her or killed her" Angie screeches.

"Where is the pet I like?" I ask after getting Angie to stop.

"She's back to being a normal maid I have a new pet" Alcina says sounding proud "now about tea".

"No" I say before hanging up.

Angie huffs scuffing her foot on the chair before looking at me bouncing "Lets go steal Zena and bring her here".

Shaking my head I laugh slightly "Angie we can't steal her she's Alcina's staff and you have to remember the girls love her and would be lost without her around".

Angie nods crossing her arms "then we steal all four of them, let's go" she says before floating off to the door, reaching out I grab her ignoring her screeching at me.

"We can not steal Alcina's maid or daughters"

"Well why the hell not she doesn't want Zena anymore and we do, they are a package deal so steal one get three free" she says cackling happily.

I sigh at her logic "Angie if you steal it's not like a buy one get something free deal" I say laughing slightly.

Angie huffs glaring at the door as I hold her to my chest "do you ever wish I was like them? Like a real person?"

Humming I hug her closer to me "sometimes yes because you are stuck in the doll never getting to experience everything like they do, but I'm happy you formed. The day you showed up in the doll was the happiest day of my rebirth life" I say softly.

"We don't have to go see the new maid right? I don't like her she was rude the moment I answered the phone like it was a problem to call us"

"No, I agree she's not worth our trouble"

"Now I can't call to talk to Zena anymore she use to tell me about the world outside of the village"

"I know Angie"

"Did you know she has a son? He lives outside the village looking for creatures to document them"

"No I didn't how do you know that?" I ask frowning.

"When I stayed the night with the girls we where in her room because she was fixing our hair for bed, I was looking threw her stuff and found a box full of letters from him. His name's
Santiago I even saw pictures of him he looks hot I didn't tell anyone I just put everything back" Angie says cackling.

Sighing I move to the living room sitting Angie down "you really shouldn't be snooping in people's stuff".

"Are you kidding me? she has neat stuff from outside the village I have to look"

I notice you (Edited May 1st 2024)Where stories live. Discover now