Friday afternoon

Sitting in the main gathering room holding Angie on my shoulders while the babies lay on their stomachs on a blanket I chuckle watching Elora roll over before she starts chewing her
foot smiling, glancing at the door I see Dani and Cassandra crouched down growling at each
other before they pounce rolling around and snarling, hearing the babies laugh I look seeing them watching their sisters play.

Bela comes in pushing them with her foot making them roll out of her way, before she walks over ands sits down with the babies "you can take a break I'll watch them".

I nod reaching up pulling Angie off before handing her to Bela "watch Rome he's been trying to
bite" I warn.

Sniffing around I find Zena's scent following it "where's Angie?"

I jump waving my hands around while sliding "fuck" I hiss figuring out I shifted from the waist down and my hands are paws.

Leaning forward and putting my paws on the wall I look at Lady Beneviento seeing her shoulders
shaking while I hear quiet laughing.

"She's with the girls and babies" I squeak out before stumbling into the lab quickly reaching Zena I wrap my arms around her waist leaning on the table.

She looks down and laughs slightly "Gina you need to work on controlling your shifts".

Moving around I hop on the table by her "Oh come on it makes Lady Beneviento laugh" I defend myself while Zena cuddles up to me.

"Maybe it has to do with every time you see her you trip and fall or my favorite was yelling smell you nice and falling down the stairs" she says teasing me.

I blush seeing Mother Miranda smile shaking her head before telling us to leave, Zena jumps
up pulling me with her to her room.

Donna pov

I stand in the shadow listening to Alcina whine about Zena and Mother pointing out how it's her
own fault she's possibly lost Zena.

Frowning at seeing Alcina looking at her planner after Mother leaves I watch as she writes something and quickly leaves the room.

Moving to a chair I sit down waiting, seeing her come back a few moments later she sits down
on her chair with a proud smirk.

"What are you so proud of Alcina?" I ask frowning.

She hums making herself a cup of tea "Oh just left a note for Zena asking her to come here to talk, I'm taking Mother's advice and showing her I want her back, I'll let her fix my planner and explain how she's the only one who does it perfectly".

I frown shaking my head seeing she's completely serious I huff rubbing my face "So your plan to show her you want her back is to have her fix your last pet's fuck up, and tell her how she is better at planning" I ask just to make sure I understand her.

Seeing her raise a brow in challenge I get up grabbing the planner from her desk and throw it at her head "Alcina for someone so smart you are an idiot and a coward she is the mother of your children, she loves the girls like her own, when you tossed her aside she continued to care and love the girls you broke her heart. She still put the girls' happiness first and didn't tell you or anyone about the pregnancy till she was scared for them, she put your happiness above herself including her health and if you think that would win her back you are stupid you need to court her, romance her, talk to her, treat her like the mother of your children, not a pet that can be replaced" getting up I walk to the door taking a deep breath "I never thought you a coward but you are, your pride and how you handle this will lose her forever".

I storm out completely done with her stupidity over this, she's got a chance to have everything I've ever dreamed of a partner who loves her and children but she's being completely stupid and selfish I can't stand it.

Walking down the hall I stop seeing Angie on a large panther's back who drags her foot across the ground like a horse, while Angie holds a wooden sword she kicks her legs leaning forward pointing the sword ahead of her "CHARGE" she screams.

The panther takes off and I hear a woman screaming rushing to see what Angie has gotten herself into I find a maid pinned by the panther, with Angie pointing the sword at her "surrender everything you own lycan and you will live" she orders.

"Angie stop harassing the maids" I say.

Angie looks at me before kicking her feet again "RUN ITS THE PUPPET MASTER".

I sigh seeing them take off walking over to the maid I help her up handing her what she
dropped "I apologize for her".

The maid nods twitching slightly before quickly walking on, taking a breath I wonder around till I finally find Angie trying to drag a large crate with her but no panther.

"Angie what do you have?" I ask.

"My winnings" she screeches proudly "I learned how to play 21 and these are my winnings".

Sighing I grab the crate heading for the maids wing, walking in I sit the crate on a table "who's stuff is this?" I ask.

"It was a little of all of ours but it's Angie's now" the head maid says completely unfazed.

"Why is it hers?"

"We played a betting came and she won that stuff, we made sure it's nothing dangerous and it's stuff we are okay with losing, it's mostly snacks" the repair woman says rubbing her neck smiling at me.

Sighing I grab it walking off to the room "you are getting into everything" I say seeing Angie
glaring at me.

Angie waves me off walking beside me "DAMN IT REGINA CONTROL YOUR SHI..." I frown hearing Alcina screaming.

Angie cackles clapping her hands hearing something running towards us before I see the large panther.

I sigh seeing Angie grab it's tail being taken with it cackling while the panther yowls loudly.

Rolling my eyes I continue on to put Angie's stuff up moving to the library I sit down reading for a while till I hear Zena yelling.

Getting up I move out to the hallway seeing her stumble into Alcina's room, after a few minutes she comes out laughing and singing before dropping a bottle on the ground.

Sighing I turn going back to my room not wanting to deal with whatever is going on.

Regina Pov a few hours

After getting Angie off my tail and being yelled at by Zena I walk around the halls bored, seeing Lady Beneviento walking around I jog up to her.

"Hi Lady Beneviento" I say trying to keep my voice calm.

She nods after looking at me "where did you leave Angie?" she asks sighing.

"Mother Miranda took her after I got her off my tail" I say nervously.

She nods "at least she's with someone who can handle her" she says laughing softly.

Tripping I fall face first on the ground hearing her laugh, her voice is beautiful a deep smokey and raspy sound that gives me chills.

Hearing her laugh louder I look up seeing her holding her hand out to me, taking it I get up trailing after her talking happily till she reaches her room.

After saying bye I run to Zena's room digging threw her stuff loudly "for fucks sake Gina what are you looking for?" she groan looking at me.

Quickly moving everything I need to a box I lift it up smiling "just this" I say before rushing out with it running to Amanda's room knocking.

She yanks the door open in a robe frowning "teach me how to make a rag doll?" I ask smiling.

She sighs walking away leave the door open.

I notice you (Edited May 1st 2024)Where stories live. Discover now