Regina pov

Coming back to the kitchen I see Zena gone and the blood cleaned up most of the maids have left to start working moving to wash the pots and pans, I ignore the group sitting around talking till I hear Zena's name as they explain what she did.

"God that is pathetic I mean get over it, protecting the little bitches won't get their mother to
want you back" the new pet says laughing.

I clench my teeth to control not saying anything as the pet comes over laughing and putting her dishes in the sink "What the hell kind of name is Zena anyways, I bet it's not her real name" she says before looking at my smiling "wash those for me" she says giving a charming smile.

Taking a deep breath I yank her dishes out throwing them at the wall "no wash your own fucking dishes like everyone else and while I'm speaking I'm sure it slipped your self centered mind, but Zena may have attacked the maid for what she said because she honestly cares about the daughters, and the name Zena is clearly after Xena the warrior princess that was very popular in the 90's in America its unique and different" I say harshly "your smile doesn't impress me or your looks because I can see what's underneath all your beauty, I
remember you very well growing up using your looks and body or daddy to take the easy way instead of working for what you want its far from attractive. I guess it shows that Lady Dimitrescu is clearly blind to choose the village whore over someone who protects her children".

Hearing a crashing sound I look up seeing the blonde daughter in the door looking shocked "wash your own plates" I snarl shoving past the pet ignoring the daughter following me.

"Mother heard you, she is pissed" she hisses.

"Not my problem if she can't handle the truth" I say shaking my head.

"Was that true about her name?"

"Yes, there's even books about that, it was a really popular thing"

"How did you know?"

"She's an outsider with an American accent plus I use to read those books when The Duke brought them, I put her name and accent together and figured it out, it wasn't hard"

Watching as she swarms off I sigh going to Freda's room finding the door open, she sits holding Zena as she cries "I think I just got some maids killed".

Freda nods not looking up "hopefully it's some of the lazy ones who don't work" she grunts
"I'll let it go because I heard that new pet".

I nod looking around seeing a plate with half it's food eaten "is she done?"

Freda nods grabbing it handing it to me "yes she's not feeling well but insists on working".

I nod taking the plate back to the kitchen to clean it "you threw a fit about washing my pets plates but you're clearly washing some else's" Lady Dimitrescu snarls behind me.

"I'm cleaning the maid who's hand has stitches from defending your daughters, she doesn't need to stick her hand in dish water or clean this, it will cause an infection" I say sighing.

"And what maid would that be? if she's unable to work then she is useless to us" she demands.

"It's stitches they will heal and be perfect fine but ask Freda" I say pointing to her room.

A few weeks later

Sitting in the kitchen with Freda drinking coffee while Zena sits poking her stitches zoned out,
Bela swarms in and her head snaps up smiling at her, Bela looks around panicking "I don't know what to do, the wine business is failing we are losing Money and the villagers are mad they haven't been paid for work" she says clearly freaking out.

I notice you (Edited May 1st 2024)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora