Mother Miranda's visit

Looking at the new maids with Amanda and Amber I sigh worried about Zena her pregnancy scares me with how its effecting her the new maids looked uncomfortable around her, that just made us all mad she cant help she looks dead but I cant bring myself to blame the baby either honestly I blame Lady Dimitrescu.

She was gone at first light to take Mother Miranda her morning tea I sigh pacing the kitchen while Amanda goes over the rules, I slip hearing screaming, getting up to my feet I groan dropping again feeling something hit me "Damn it Regina control your emotions and shifts" Amanda orders.

Getting up I rub my head glaring at her ignoring the maids who have backed out away from me, hearing Zena's bell ring I take off running as I slide around these fucking paws suck on these polished floors.

Sliding past Zena I slam into the wall slipping as I get up "I'm here, I'm good, are you okay?" I ask before seeing Mother Miranda and Lady Dimitrescu, I stumble
trying to bow as Zena laughs asking how bad my feet are.

I blush lifting my foot hearing her tsk at me "I'm having trouble with random bodily shifts" I whisper scratching my cat ear that's poking out of my hair "I scared the maids and cooks, all but Amanda when I randomly half shifted they all ran out, I think she slapped me with a roller" Zena snorts shaking her head.

Zena explains what Mother Miranda is going to do and asks for me to come, I puff up my chest proudly over her wanting me around going to follow her I slip again but feel myself lifted back up and steadied.

Hearing Zena laugh telling me to fully shift I nod pulling my clothes off that Bela takes before following Zena while headbutting her hand chirping happily that even when I'm clumsy she trusts me to help her.

Reaching the lap I shift back helping her on the lab bed ignoring Lady Dimitrescu as Mother Miranda starts checking the baby "Well it looks like twins and they are fully formed it's good you told me when you did, your body isn't even close to ready to give birth and would not be able to give birth to them naturally we will have to surgically remove them".

I stiffen at what she says looking at Zena as they discuss what will happen till she puts Zena to sleep.

Pacing by the bed I unknowingly growl nervously while I keep checking on Zena till Lady
Dimitrescu yells at me to stop.

Mouthing off I twitch seeing her tower over me with her claws out yelling "Oh that's hilarious you telling me to control myself, you trash your room multiple times a week in anger, kill your maids and pets in your fits, and PINNED ZENA DOWN THREATENING HER WHILE SHE WAS PREGNANT ALL BECAUSE SHE WAS WITH ME AFTER YOU THREW HER AWAY FOR A BITCH WHO BRAGGED
anger get the best of me.

After Mother Miranda gets onto both of us and I explain my feelings about Zena and the babies she nods ordering us to help deliver the babies.

I stay close to Zena as she cuts her stomach open before pulling out a baby cleaning it's mouth and nose holding my breath till I hear it cry, taking a deep breath I take the child seeing it's a girl and smile looking at her while Mother Miranda gets the second out.

"Well you are a surprise hiding behind your siblings" she says making me look up seeing a third baby that's handed to Lady Dimitrescu, before she finishes with helping Zena I followed after them as she moves her to a guest room.

Once she's laid down I hand the baby to Mother Miranda since Lady Dimitrescu has two "She has Pampers for the babies, we may
have to use the ones for older kids I'll go get them" I blurt out before running out of the room
to grab what's needed passing Amanda and Amber "what's wrong?" Amanda ask following
me into Zena's room.

"Mother Miranda had to deliver the babies she had triplets" I say happily while grabbing a pack of Pampers and three plain black outfits and run back out.

I bite my lip as I walk back in holding up everything "Since she didn't know if they were a boy or girl she only got stuff that worked for both" I say while handing out the Pampers and outfits, before taking one of the babies Lady Dimitrescu has and quickly get her in the pamper before copying Mother Miranda with dressing the child.

I stay near the babies improvised bed while they talk before leaving "when she wakes come
get us" Mother Miranda say smiling I nod before watching the babies again.

Im not sure how long it's been but hearing the door open I look seeing Amanda and Amber coming in, they glance at Zena then me "we came to see the babies" Amanda whispers.

I nod as Amber ducks out pulling a large crib in already made up for them "don't know why Duke had this but I bought it" she says shrugging.

Nodding we move them in it and stand looking at them "they are beautiful so boy or girl?" Amber asks.

"Two girls and a boy" I say point to the boy so they know who's the boy.

"He's tiny compared to them" Amber says smiling.

"Zena would have died in labor they may have died before she gave birth" I say softly.

The nod not speaking before eventually leaving.

Sighing I wait around till she wakes up rushing over I help her sit up using pillows to prop her up before being the babies, explaining about her having triplets and needing to go get
everyone before running out.

Reaching the office I run in smiling "She's awake" I say before running back hearing the girls
right over me once Mother Miranda reaches us we all follow her in.

I stand to the side as she talks with Daniela who's upset about not knowing what was going on, once she calms her down she hands each girl a baby telling their names and I smile at that.

She glances at me and smiles before talking to Mother Miranda about how long till she can repay her, that's worries me but I know she wouldn't make a deal that would hurt her or her kids including the girls.

a week later

I smile hearing the babies crying getting up I move to help Zena with them, she yawns while changing them "I'll go get their bottles".

She nods shushing Faya who keeps crying, turning and running to the kitchen I see the girls swarm past me "we got them" they say giggling.

Shrugging I turn following after them back to the room watching as they feed them with Zena making sure they are held properly "getting to slow Gina?" Zena asks smirking.

Humming I shrug "completely it's horrifying that 90 year olds best me".

Daniela laughs looking up at me "we look good for being 90" she says smugly.

I nod sitting down on a chair "yes you three are beautiful" I say laughing.

I notice you (Edited May 1st 2024)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora