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✤✤Harlow's POV✤✤

After coming back in to find Leonhart, had stubbornly sat down and refused I have been trying to reason with him for the last 20 minutes.

"Leonhart, I need to be able to document any kinds of skin issues or moles and such. The entire family has this exam at least once a year. I checked last night and I wasn't able to find a single record of a doctor under the name of Bryson or De Luca except for the ones that our parents did before that night you were taken."

"I have nothing wrong with my skin. Now, can I go to my room?" He asked, still not uncrossing his arms. Alfonzo stood up and walked over to Leonhart.

Leonhart instantly flinched and seemed to be ready to brace himself for something. That was one of the reasons I needed to examine his skin and see what he could be hiding underneath that hoodie. He's a little too jumpy for an average 13-year-old. He doesn't know apparently, that we can see the bruising around his neck, that his hoodie doesn't cover. It was indicating that the Bryson people that he lived with were most likely the ones who caused him bodily harm.

"Leonhart. What you went through wasn't your fault. You are a child who was dealt a shitty hand. Harlow and I want nothing but to help you and to understand-"

"Nothing is wrong with me!" He snapped which had Alfonzo stand up with a sigh and turned to me.

"No." I whispered, knowing what he wanted.

"Harlow, è evidente che sta nascondendo qualcosa. Non sto dicendo che mettergli fretta sia l'idea migliore, ma è anche preoccupante a causa dei gravi lividi."

*Harlow, it's obvious he is hiding something. I'm not saying that rushing him is the best idea but it's also concerning from the severe bruising*

✦⋆✦ Leonhart, age 13 ✦⋆✦

It didn't take a rocket scientist to know that they were speaking Italian. I could speak Italian, Spanish, and French. Something you learn to do is check out books from the school library to read in your free time, and that was one thing I did. I learned languages for the heck of it. What bothered me the most was I wanted to hide my neck since I understood what he said but I also wanted to pretend that I didn't understand him. I needed to think fast...

"I can take off my hoodie and pants and put on the gown but you need to know that I..... I was getting in fights at school and some of the fights ended not in my favor."

I watched Harlow and Alfonzo exchange some looks but they both looked at me now with a small smile.

"Okay, we understand. Boys will be boys after all." Alfonzo spoke with a chuckle. Harlow this time just turned to face the door to give me some privacy. I took in deep breaths and quickly undressed and put the gown on.

"Alright," Alfonzo spoke getting Harlow to turn back around. There's absolutely nothing I can do to hide my arms with cigarette burns and bruises at this moment. But the way Harlow looked at me now bothered me.

She took my arm while looking at the burns. She ended up pointing quietly while Alfonzo wrote things down on a body chart. This was more awkward than I thought it would be. I figured it would just be a quick glance here and there and I can get dressed.

After taking one look at my chest and ribs, Harlow sighed.

Well...not like I didn't warn them. Even if it was a lie...

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