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✦⋆✦ Leonhart, age 13 ✦⋆✦

I was in the basement with Gavin who had already got the girls to fall asleep after 30 minutes. It was late, so I'm glad they could go to sleep after all the ruckus. I paced the floor, looking at the door we locked from the inside.

"Stop pacing and sit down." Gavin hissed in a whisper. 

"How can I! I should be helping!" I snapped, pacing faster.

"Don't be stupid! You have to be trained for that, and I'm sure you'd be the first to die!" He snapped back getting up. "Is that what you want? Your family to mourn your death!" He was now in my face. I shoved him but he shoved back.

"For the last eleven years, I had no idea I was a De Luca!" I spoke, trying to keep the tears back. He raised a brow. "I wasn't hidden away like you think! I was kidnapped and placed with people who beat the hell out of me every single day! I just got my real family back! I don't want to be sitting here like a coward and not try!" I turned to head up the stairs but Gavin grabbed my arm.

"Don't be reckless!" He demanded, yanking me back down. 

"And why do you care! Didn't you say something about not caring about De Luca's? We're killers? You want nothing to do with the job your father does? LET GO!" I shoved him away and ran up the stairs, but he grabbed my leg and I tripped. He yanked my hair and I yelped in pain as he tossed me to the ground and kicked me.

"You're right! I hate the De Luca's! I hate them for making my dad work! Or that's what I thought!" He kicked me again and I gasped in pain. "Till I learned my dad didn't even tell Mrs and Mr De Luca about me. All this time I thought the De Luca's were the reason I was always alone." He gritted his teeth and yanked me up by my white shirt. "Still, I hate how my dad gets hurt doing this kind of work! I hate how he trained me until I stopped crying like a baby!" He hit me in the gut and I hunched over. "Now sit down, and shut up! The last thing I need on my conscience is I let you leave this room and you fucking died!" He shoved me down and I flinched. 

"Stop manhandling me!" I got up, but he punched me hard in the mouth. I covered my mouth and trembled. Dammit! I can't fight a mini Hulk!


"Leonhart! Open it up!" I jumped up when I heard Naomi. Was it over? I unlocked the door and saw Naomi. She smiled softly, even though she had blood on her. I wrinkled my nose. 

", we can come out?" I asked, Gavin was a few steps behind me.

"Yeah, I-" The sound of a gun went off. I froze until Naomi fell over and crushed me. I cried out as her blood ran all over the place. I looked to see a man smirking. He had blood all over him and held his side where he had been shot already. He aimed the gun at me.

"Found you. Mr and Mrs Bryson say hi!" The sound of the gun going off, I knew I was dead but instead, the gun went off over and over until I realized it wasn't hitting me. I looked over to see Gavin holding a gun and shooting the man who hit the ground and dropped his gun. Gavin? He...killed. Something he never wanted to do!

The entire family was here. Lennox grabbed Naomi off of me.

"GET THE CAR!" He yelled. Everyone ran off but Devika ran down to grab the kids and Harlow helped me up. I looked at my clothes that was soaked in Naomi's blood. Zaria was crying somewhere loudly about her twin. 

He said the Brysons said hi? But... they're dead...I saw them!

"Leo!" Gavin slapped me and Harlow glared at Gavin.

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