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✦⋆✦ Leonhart, age 13 ✦⋆✦

The entire time Genevieve talked to Gavin, I saw a side of him I didn't know was possible. He had no idea his dad was in the hospital after a job gone wrong. My sister didn't go into detail. I wonder if it's because she thinks I don't know about the Mafia. She had made a lot of phone calls on behalf of Gavin, but when she finally learned that Gavin only had his dad, she looked angry. 

"If I'd known he had a son, I wouldn't have-" Lennox placed his arm on Genevieve's shoulder.

"I'll make sure to go over paperwork this weekend. I am partly to blame since it's my job to run full background checks and since he'd been in your family since before Gavin was born, it was easy to let that info slip by." Lennox kissed the top of her head and sat in his chair that he rolled over to her desk. "Now, Gavin." Lennox looked at Gavin and Gavin tensed up.

"Yes, Mr De Luca?" He whispered.

"You're father has been in a coma for the last two days, which we stated. That being said, you have no other family and well, we feel part to blame."

"No, sir! My father-"

"And.." Lennox interrupted him. "You will be staying with us until your father wakes and informs us of his wishes. If you don't wish to stay here, we can contact child services and they can place you in a home."

Gavin's hands turned into fists. I glanced over and then looked at my own hands. This had to be hard on him. I mean, it was clear he'd choose to go to another home. He hates the De Luca's. He said he'd rather have his own path than be loyal to my family.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." He spoke taking a deep breath. "May I be allowed to grab things from my house first?"

"Of course." Genevieve finally smiled a little. "You will share a room with Leonhart. By tonight, we'll have an air bed set up." Gavin nodded to her.

"I'll get Alfonzo to take you," Lennox spoke standing up. Gavin stood up as well.

"And Gavin." Genevieve had a slightly creepy smile. "I already got informed about school. You'll have the same punishments as Leonhart this weekend."

Gavin went pale, which I am sure was due to not knowing what punishments I had. I couldn't help but chuckle. I got up and followed them out.


The night was a little hectic. Dinner was like World War 3 again. Phoebe got yelled at for hitting me too hard as always. Everyone was moved down a chair, and Gavin sat to my right instead of Phoebe. Naomi and Zaria got into an actual fistfight over something about school that totally went over my head. Alfonzo and Antonio pulled them apart and guided them to their room where they were yelled at by Lennox since he didn't want Genevieve yelling. Lilly got a time-out for throwing food at me. Rosy then cried about Lilly crying in time out. Naoko who never really comes around me since she is either with her mom or dad, went with Devika to her room after she began to cry over all the commotion. 

Asking for a normal dinner at this house was asking too much.

Gavin came out of the bathroom with nothing but his pj pants. My eyes go wide. How the hell did he hide all that? Now that I know he is a mini hulk at the age of 14, I HAVE TO LEARN FROM HIM!

"Stop gawking." Gavin scoffed plopping on the airbed. He rolled over and faced the wall. Genevieve took his phone and devices as well....

"You have to train me to fight!" I spoke, leaning over my bed and looking down at him. He didn't turn over. "Come on! How the hell did you get all those muscles? Train me!" He rolled over and reached up, flicking my forehead. "Oww! Why do people do that!" I snapped.

"Shut up and lay down. I'm tired." He rolled back over and I looked at him quietly. Maybe I shouldn't look so hard, but still!

"Gavin, I'm sure your dad will be okay. He-" Gavin got up and grabbed my white shirt, pinning me to my bed. "Stop!" I demanded. He pressed down hard on my shoulder that wasn't the injured one, which had surprisingly done alright since people still do shit to me that could make it worse.

"Don't talk about him so carefree! He is in that coma due to your family! A family of killers! If my dad dies, I promise you, I'll show you how to fight and use a gun. Cuz I'll beat the hell out of you first then shoot your fucking brains out to send to your sister as a trade for taking my dad!"

I looked at Gavin who really seemed to be telling the truth. His anger could be seen and felt. His body shook and his face was red. He got off and plopped on the air bed, facing the wall. I lay where he had left me, looking at the ceiling. Well....that's just great. I'm sharing a room with a damn psycho.

♕°°♕ Genevieve POV ♕°°♕

I sighed softly outside of Leonhart's door. Hearing Gavin say that, I have to be honest. It took everything I had to not go in there and set Gavin straight. A family of killers hit hard though. So it was clear now that Leonhart found out about the family. I'm sure Gavin is to thank for that. Still, I'll need to talk to Gavin alone and ask what all he's told to Leonhart. Avoiding a conversation about this with Leonhart can't be held off much longer.

I walked downstairs and sat at my computer, typing away. I needed to check on the reports I asked for about Gavin's dad. 

"Benjamin is the name of his dad. He goes by Benny it seems." Lennox spoke from across the office. I nod, not looking up. "His wife died during childbirth. Benny then worked even more hours to make the odds meet, but it seemed he'd leave his post a lot the first 3 years, which I got from the other men. He had hidden Gavin in his car and snuck off to feed, change and-"

"I don't want to know anymore." I slammed my pen down. How could he do that to a child? Three years? No wonder that child talks with a lot of anger. Yet, his love for his dad is strong. I laid my head back and hugged my stomach. "I'm going to go check on Lilly and Rosy." I whispered getting up. Lennox already met me halfway and pulled me into a hug.

"Eve, you should call it a night and sleep. Tuck the girls in again and sleep. I'll come up after I finish the papers you had left." He kissed me and I smiled softly.

"Alright, thank you, love." I kissed him first this time and left. Getting to the girl's room, I walked into see Rosy in Lilly's bed. I smiled and kissed their heads, tucking them in. I walked back to their door and right as I closed it, an alarm went off, blaring on my phone. I heard it going off in other directions, as everyone had one on their phone but the younger kids and Leonhart.

"What's happening!" Leonhart and Gavin were now in the hall, but so was everyone else. I looked at the camera feed on my phone and saw a good group of 30 men or so jumping over the front gate and fighting the guards.

No one breaks into my home and lives to tell. "Leonhart, Gavin, take Lilly, Rosy, and Naoko to the basement and stay there."

"But it's off limits and-" I stopped Leonhart as the girls had already been handed over to the boys by Lennox and Alfonzo.

"It's the only bulletproof door! GO!" I shoved them on and looked at the others who already put on bullet vests. I hugged my belly, knowing I shouldn't take part. Lennox read my mind. He kissed me and whispered. 

"Go prepare the cars for the worst-case scenario." He whispered before taking off with the others. Worst-case scenario? No outsider takes over my home! I stormed to the attic and unlocked it. After opening a trunk, I grabbed a Barrett M82 rifle. I opened the attic window and had a direct view of the front. Setting it up, I began to take out one by one, making sure to not get my men instead. My family was down on the first floor, taking out whoever got in through a window or door, I can at least take out the numbers that get past our guards. 

Questions that ran through my head grew. Who attacked us like this? Why? Was it over land again or the fact we killed the jerks who took Leonhart? Either way, any who survives after this, will wish they died to the bullet. I will get my answers.

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Hope you enjoyed Ch Nineteen! ♥♥

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