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     ✰✰ Lennox's POV ✰✰

I sat beside two beds in the middle. The hospital was quiet since we had Eve and Leo on a private floor. The family had come in and out the last three days. Leo had a blood transfusion and so far, he's not woken up once. 

"Genevieve," I whispered, holding her hand as she cried. She hugged the pillow so tight. 

"If he, if I, the baby!" She sobbed, hugging the pillow even tighter if that was possible. I forced myself on the bed behind her and hugged her close.

"The doctor said the baby is fine. The bullet somehow grazed you. Count it as a blessing love. He was right in front of you, and it missed." I kissed her head and hugged her. I think he missed it on purpose. He was in our warehouse tied up three days ago. He wasn't alive as of today. His death was slow, which was what he deserved.

"Leo." Eve cried. "I was missed, but he-" I grabbed her face and had her look at me.

"He's strong." I laid my head beside hers and rubbed her back. Eve was on bed rest for the next month until the doctor decided the baby was fine after all that stress. Leo, well he took two bullets. One went right through his shoulder and the other got stuck in his shoulder. It was removed but he also had to have surgery since his bone was broken not just in one, but in five places.

I glanced over at Leo's bed. Phoebe hasn't left his side. It didn't matter if I tried to drag her out. She'd fight back. She was sleeping beside Leo. His monitors were steady. He's the glue to this family right now. 

Wake up, Leo. We need you.

✦⋆✦ Leonhart, age 13 ✦⋆✦ 

I was running, but where? Who was crying?

"LEO!" I heard my name and spun around. My heart sank as I saw Genevieve and blood all over her. Everyone. Everyone in the De Luca home appeared, walking towards me covered in blood.

"Why did you kill us, Leonhart!" Genevieve cried, holding her stomach that was seeping blood. I backed away in horror.

"Leo, you did this! If you never came home, my wife would be okay!" Lennox spoke, as he tried to hold Genevieve.

"You did this!" Lilly cried, holding Rosy who wasn't moving. "MONSTER!"

"All you had to do was use the gun, Leonhart!" Phoebe slapped me so hard, I hit the ground. I got on my knees and cried.

"I didn't know what to do!" I sobbed. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"


"I'm sorry! I didn't know!"

"LEO!" I felt myself being held down. I screamed, trying to get free till a pair of cold hands grabbed my face.

"Eve, you can't be up like that!" Lennox scolded.

I flung my eyes open. Genevieve was getting in the bed beside me and she hugged me close.

"You woke up." She cried softly, not letting me go. I looked around confused as I lay in what was clearly a hospital.

"" I looked over at her with tears. My voice was so strained.

"You had a feeding tube just taken out, so your throat will be sore. Rest." She whispered, not letting the hug go. Phoebe looked at me for what seemed like forever before she left. I heard her sobs before she even left the room. I turned to Genevieve.

"The baby! The others!" I asked, then coughed and flinched in pain.

"The others are unharmed. The baby is fine. I need to take it easy to ensure it stays that way." She whispered. "Leo, you had a blood transfusion. Also, surgery. You'll need some physical therapy with your right arm for some time. Just so you know beforehand. You and I, we're going to be roommates for a while." She winked down at me. Behind her smile, she was stressed. She was tired. This can't be good for the baby. Lennox walked over and helped her up and over to her bed. Nurses came in and began to talk to me. 

So no one died. I couldn't stop myself from crying into my pillow that night. I was out for four days. Phoebe had apparently stayed at my side the entire time. That alone was enough to make that horrid nightmare I had felt before I woke at ease.

Till now. I heard Genevive crying. Lennox was trying to soothe her. If I never left that bowling alley. If they had told me Colten was just a friend who was watching over me. If-

Yeah, no matter how many if only you have, it won't change a thing. My family was breaking and I felt responsible. 


I had spent the last two nights trying to get a room change without Genevieve knowing. I just felt like hearing her cry only reminded me how much it was my fault for leaving the bowling alley.

"Leo, I talked to the nurse." Lennox came back in. Genevieve was taking a shower and a nurse was nearby. "They agreed to move you, and will put you right across the hall, so that way if you need us, we are still in calling distance. Is that okay?" He asked, sounding tired himself. I nod, looking away. 

After a good hour, I was moved across the hall. Genevieve seemed to of known about my request. She didn't seem to mind. Maybe she felt it would help her to cry more freely....

I was in my own room finally. I hugged the pillow from home. Phoebe had brought me things but during the time I wasn't awake. It's like....she can't look at me.

"Leonhart." A nurse knocked and walked in. She smiled as she walked over with another male nurse. "I'm Nurse Emma and this is Nurse Victor. We came to check your shoulder." She walked over first and removed my blanket. I had a tank top on. It was Zaria's but at this point, at least it was black and not pink. It was also big on me, so it was easy to move around to get to my shoulder.

"You know bed rest is 4-6 weeks after shoulder surgery." Nurse Victor spoke. I nodded. Lennox did say something about that. "It looks alright so far." He added as Emma uncovered it. She made it hurt to move as she rewrapped it. "Here you go, bud," Victor spoke, handing me some meds. I raised a brow. "Oh, it's for the pain." He added. 

I decided if he tried to poison me, at least my siblings seemed to be fighting material. Unlike me. If I knew how to use the gun, I could have shot that man before he hurt Genevieve. I could of-

I'll learn. Once my shoulder is good enough to leave. Once my physical therapy part helps me, I'll not only aim and use a gun, but I'll kill whoever hurts my family. 

Even if it means I'm a real monster by the end of it.

I won't be the reason someone dies. 

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Hope you enjoyed Ch Fourteen! ♥♥

❀❀❀Everyone survived! A little healing time is needed!❀❀❀

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