Chapter 1

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It was the way it's always been. Normal. Me and my dad doing our daily run around the neighborhood, listening to our own music- me my Ed Sheeran radio on pandora while my dad probably listening to his Metallica radio on Pandora- both earphones in to distract ourselves (dad's brilliant idea *(it really works)*). While me and my dad run, my older sister, Carly, and mom were preparing dinner for when we get back and have showered. This was my normal.

Me and my dad came to our ending point we slowed to a walk, both of us pulling out one of our earphones to hear each other if one says something.

"So, do you think you and Carly can stay home by yourselves over night tomorrow?" My dad blurted out.

I turned to him. "What for?"

"Well, me and your mom were hoping to get our own little vacation away from everything. Your mom is going to be off and it's a weekend so I'm off." He explained.

"Well you know I'll be fine on my own, it's just convincing Carly that 'A' from that show she watches won't come after her." I chuckled, thinking of how I somehow became the braver of us two even though I'm the youngest.

"Yeah, but I'm sure she'll agree to it." he chuckled as well.

It's how my family is, we jokingly make fun of each other but we always know we don't mean any of it (or at least most times, my dad does live with three females who have all gotten their monthly visitor before and continue to... so it gets interesting). At the end of the day, though, we are always a family who loves each other, no matter how annoying, dorky, goofy, infuriating, and stupid some of us may be at times.

We walked the same route we'd just ran, until we made our way up the front yard of our modest one-story house. We own a 1978 Chevy Pick-Up (stick shift)-given to my father by his father-, 2014 black Jeep Wrangler, and a 2010 Honda Civic (my sister learned to drive in and I'm currently learning to drive in). An American flag hung beside the garage door as the Fourth of July was next weekend, and in honor of my grandfather who served in the navy.

We knocked on the door, using the Big Bang Theory reference, "Knock knock Knock ... Penny?... Knock knock Knock ... Penny?... " And so on, until an annoyed looking Carly opened the door.

"We don't want your Girl Scout cookies." she snapped before closing the door. A few seconds later opened with a goofy grin as me and my dad stepped in. I quickly ran to the bathroom me and Carly share and took a quick shower. When I came down, my hair pulled back in a "French-Fish-Tail Braid" as I called it, my food was already served and waiting to by devoured by me.

I took my plate into the living room where my mom was currently watching some movie on tv. "What ya watching?" I asked, twirling my fork in the noodles that make up my spaghetti an taking a huge bite.

"The Proposal." she said just as Sandra Bullock was told she was being deported from the Us back to Canada. I decide to join mom and was glad I did because the movie was hilarious.

Once the movie was over -after forcing Dad to sit through it with me while Mom took a shower- I turned off the tv and went to my room to get ready for bed.

I called our biggest dog, a male Husky named Eddie, and also our biggest bully of a cat, a female tabby named Jinx to my room. I'd agreed to two simple rules for getting to keep these two since it was just me and mom who wanted them. 1.) They have to sleep in my room. 2.) I have to take care of all the pets.

You see, we have five pets in total. Two cats, two dogs, and a rabbit. We've had one cat since I was born, whiskers; a dog that just showed up at our door injured and we took in, Polly; a terrier (that ran away and is no longer with us) Lucky; who was replaced by Eddie who we adopted from the local vet; our little Tabby cat, Jinx, who we caught at my friend's house and took in; and then Carly's Rabbit she adopted at the same vet we got Eddie (the only pet I don't have to take care of).

I closed the door behind me, but opened the little doggie door that leads straight into the backyard for Eddie. He trots over to his pillow an plops down giving me the puppy dog eyes to be let up on the bed. I just can't resist. "Oh, how can I say no to my big wolf?" Yup, Eddie is my wolfy, he howls at sirens and the ice cream truck, is big and fluffy like a wolf, and just as amazing as them.

I pet Eddie as he curled up at the foot of the bed and then pet Jinx, as she stretched out on my pillow. I guess it's a good thing I have a full sized bed, huh.

I turned off my bedside lamp and curled up under the comforter and closed my eyes, welcoming sleep with open arms.

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