Chapter 20

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I was engulfed in a huge hug as my Dad met us half way in the terminal. He held me close and I didn't even think of stopping him, because I needed this. I'd missed my family while away in London and couldn't even think of trying to leave them for that long again now that I was back in my Dad's safe arms. When we did finally pull back, he simply send a glance at Kenneth, who nodded his understanding for the lack of welcoming from my father before I was being dragged towards the car where. 

Kenneth was seated in the back with some of our luggage and I was seated in the front. I kept sending him apologetic smiles every once in a while, which he'd return with a reassuring smile and nod of his own, as if that would cease my worrying of him.

Dad was only speaking to me, almost completely ignoring Kenneth, if it weren't for his constant glances at him through the rear-view mirror before he'd give a look of disgust and then continue his conversation with me. We were halfway home when I'd finally had enough. 

"Dad, if you're going to keep looking at Kenneth like that then you can just drop us off at some gas station and we'll either call is parents or we'll call an UBER." I snapped suddenly, cutting my Dad's sentence off and startling everyone in the car, myself included. I hadn't intended for it to come out quite so harshly, but it had already been done, I had to go with it now. 

"Els, it's fine. Really, I-" Kenneth tried to calm me down, but I knew what was coming next. "I deserve it" was going to be his next words and I wasn't having it. 

"No!" I snapped again, making everyone go silent. "Yes, you hurt me badly. Yes, you never meant to and yes, you did it to protect me! But no, I won't let you take the shit my Dad is trying to throw at you, thinking I don't see what he's doing. It's not right and you don't deserve that -no one does. If anyone is going to give you what you deserve for hurting me, it will be ME!" I snapped, then at his scared face, I flashed him a smile, "But I already forgave you, so no need to be so scared, Kenny." I almost laughed at how relieved he looked at that statement. 

"Ellie, I can't just forgive him after-" Dad began, but I turned my glare back to him again, causing him to go silent once again. 

"You don't have to forgive him, Dad. You just have to act civil towards him while he tries to earn your forgiveness and trust back." I explained, and turned to face forward once more, arms grumpily folded over my chest. "And if you can't give him the benefit of the doubt, then just drop us at his house while you figure out how much he actually did for me while we thought he was falling for some other girl." I added, looking out my window as I let it sink in. 

It was his move now. 

My Dad sighed, and I could tell my words struck a chord in him. "I apologize, Kenneth. I'm just not able to easily forgive you after what my daughter went through while you were engaged to that other woman. I understand it was fake and all to protect her, and that you immediately called it off when you saw the state Ellie was in, but you have to see it from my point of view. I didn't know, and neither did Ellie, that it was fake and all to keep her safe. She was heartbroken and I was beginning she might never get over you from how torn apart she was by you engagement. I never want to see her like that again, and to see her back with the boy who caused her to be so hurt is upsetting for me. I can't help but worry you'll pull something like that again, and I don't know that I can sit back and watch her go through that all over again." My Dad explained, making me sigh as I began to understand his hostility. 

"I understand, Mr. Fells." Kenneth began confidently. "I realized my mistake too late, and am constantly trying to make up for it. I understand why you're hostile towards me, and I accept it. I will work to earn your trust back and earn your forgiveness as I work for the rest of my life to deserve your daughter. I don't know that I ever will be deserving of her, but I promise to try my best to come close. I hope you can one day come to trust me again and forgive my past mistakes." 

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