Chapter 15

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I walked up to the window and found Kenneth standing by the tree that grew to where it was practically growing on the house and connected to my window. He motioned for me to come out, but I just stared some more then closed my curtains with a shake of my head.

I wasn't listening to him. Not after how he made me feel. Not after how he hurt me.

I went online and began my search, when the pebbles began again and there was a knock on my door. "Ellie?" Dad called gently.

"In here." I muttered knowing he heard me.

When he walked in I was purchasing my item and he sat on my desk chair. "Honey, I'm sure you've noticed Kenneth trying to get-"

"My attention," I finished, not glancing up from when I was doing. "Yeah, I noticed."

"I see... And you're going todo what about it?" He asked, eyeing my laptop wearily.

I looked him in the eye and asked him an extremely important question. "Can you keep something just between us?"

Now he looked worried. "What is it?"

I offered a smile when I said to him, "I'm leaving."


(3 days later)

I had a bag packed. Dad took the day off of work to help me leave while mom and Carly were at work/ school.

At first dad thought I wasn't serious, but when I told him how much I was hurting just sitting around wasting my life away because of a guy who would haunt me if I stayed, he agreed. He promised to send money to me, as long as I wrote or called them, telling them I was ok and happier.

We loaded my two bags: one with clothes and necessities, while the other had a credit card, gum, phone, and book for the plane ride.

I stood by the car while dad went to leave a note and lock the house up. I was looking around, taking very thing in, committing it to memory, because who knows when I will be back. If I will be bak.

"Ellie!" Kenneth called.

I looked up and found him jogging my way, so I got in the car and locked the doors before he could get in. He knocked on the window telling me to open up and let him explain, but I ignored him.

Dad went ballistic when he say Kenneth. Screamed at him saying it was his fault, that he caused this, that he needs to leave.

But this only confused Kenneth, who looked at me frantically for answers.

"What did I cause?" He asked, tremor in his voice.

Dad looked at me for permission, and I nodded. I wouldn't listen to Kenneth anyway so I didn't see why he couldn't know I was leaving.

"She's moving to Great Britain." Dad said with anger in his voice. "And I'm helping her because I can't watch my daughter be hurt by suck a jackass like you. I want her to return happy and smiling. I want my bubbly daughter back from this pain you've given her."

Kenneth was frozen, and when he looked down at me with pain, then pounded on my window to open up, to not leave him, not to leave at all.

Dad just shook his head and got in the car, giving my hand a squeeze. It was them I noticed the tears filling his eyes.

He started the car, and Kenneth had tears streaming from his face as he begged me not to go. As he promised to love me, as he told me he loved me; but I wasn't sure I could believe him anymore, so I watched him try running after dad's car then come to a stop and crumple to the ground. Them I watched him shrink and fade from me.

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