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"KENNETH!!!!" I screamed as I ran, terror taking over me as I glanced behind me to see if I was being followed. I was. "KENNETH!!! KENNETH!!! HELP!!!! HELP ME, PLEASE!!!!" I screamed bloody-murder as I ran for my life. 

"Ellie? Ellie what's wrong?" He asked as he found me, and caught my panicking form in his arms. 

"I'M BEING CHASED BY- OH MY GOD THERE IT IS!!! IT'S GOING TO EAT ME! KENNETH!!!!" I screamed as the angry rooster came squawking after me, causing me to jump and land in Kenneth's arms with my legs around his waist as I tried to get as far from the ground. 

The rooster kept coming, making me scream again and climb further up Kenneth to get away from the evil monstrosity. Kenneth was laughing so hard he doubled over with me in his arms, making me scream again. "KENNETH STAND UP STRAIGHT OR RUN BUT DON'T PUT ME CLOSER TO THAT MONSTER!!!" I screamed, moving to his back. 

"I would say this is totally sexy of you, but I can't even try to because of how hilarious this looks." he laughed as he shooed the angry bird away and gave me a piggy-back ride all the way back to our home. 

Once all my memories returned, which wasn't fast by any means, Kenneth's parents and mine agreed it was time we move into the house they'd had built for us since Kenneth was 15. It was in a peaceful part of Texas, on it's own land and with neighbors far and few between. It was quiet, peaceful and great. I'd convinced Kenneth we needed animals such as chickens, roosters, goats and cows. He'd been hesitant, but with the encouragement of his father, he agreed and we got us more pets along with Luna and Pilot (who were being watched by Kenneth's grandparents during our rough patch). 

I'd thought the rooster looked lonely being outside the chicken coop with the other chickens inside and decided he needed comfort and went to pet him. That turned out bad, and thus lead to me running for my life away from the rooster and to climbing Kenneth like a tree. 

"Whatever, excuse me for not wanting my tombstone to read: Here lies the girl who was killed by a chicken." I snapped irritably, but rested my head on his shoulder, now calmer than before as I let him carry me. 

"No, it would read: Here lies a climber. Climber of ladders, kitchen counters, and men." he laughed, before adding, "And on the bottom it would say in parenthesis: (Short People Problems)." and he was cracking up all over again, while I just rolled my eyes, but couldn't help my smile. 

"Whatever. What's for dinner? All that running made me hungry." I asked as he hiked me up further his back since I'd been slipping. 

"I don't know." and we pondered what to get. "Chinese?" 

"I'll order." I shrugged and dropped to my feet as we made it to the house. I reached on my tip-toes to press a kiss to his lips in a quick peck before running up the stairs to our bedroom where my phone was. 

I quickly opened it, hoping to call the Chinese restraraunt we ordered from, but before I could, my primary doctor's name appeared as she was calling. Instantly my heart skipped a beat. I knew what the call was about, but I wasn't sure I was ready to hear it confirmed. I was terrified. 

"Um, Hello?" I answered, feeling my hands begin to shake. 

"Is this Eleanor Fells?" she asked professionally. 

"This is she." I replied and gave her my birth date as proof.

"Hello, Ms. Fells. I have the test results you requested based off of the problems you've been having recently." She began, and waited a second for me to process. "Would you like the results over the phone or would you like to schedule an appointment to hear them in person?" she asked. 

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