Chapter 12

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I woke the next morning to my music off and someone sitting on the chair in the corner of my room. When I raised my head to see who it is I found my mom sitting there reading a book. At my movement, she looked up and closed the book.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked.

"It was going on hours that you'd locked yourself in here so we got worried and came to check on you. Carly turned your music off and we all took turns watching over you." She smiled, sitting in the edge of my bed.


"Because we didn't want you to be alone while dealing with this." She smiled.

"With what exactly?" I quizzed her.

"Your friend Adrian had Kenneth call to see f you were here. When he knew where you were he seemed relieved. He told us everything and when we told you about you calling your father to pick you up and you locking yourself in here he got upset. Adrian asked if he could come over but after we checked on you and found you asleep, we declined. But I checked out the window and Kenneth's mustang is sitting outside."

I covered my head and shook it. "I don't want to see him."

"I know." She said and sighed. "But he has some explaining to do, so we're going to let him in. I'll lock your door again and you can decided what to do." She told me. Rubbing my back she added, "I love you. I won't just decide one day I don't, so you've still got me and I know your father is the same." She said, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"I love you too mom." I said and she left, locking the door behind her.

It wasn't long I heard approaching footsteps coming to my door.

They knocked on the door and waited. But that's all they did. Wait and wait and wait. I didn't respond or even move. There was a deep sigh and then they knocked again before speaking. "Come on, Els. Please just let me explain?" He called through the door but I didn't want to talk to him.

I stayed silent and for a few minutes later, so did he. I was about to get up and check to see if he left, but he give me my answer by knocking once more. "I won't leave until you let me explain everything."

I scoffed softly. This guy gets bored easier than anyone I know, so I doubt he'll have the patience to wait me out.


I ended up falling asleep while waiting for him to leave, and when I woke, I thought he had. I rose from the bed as my stomach growled, and opened the door.

There, I was surprised to find Kenneth sitting on the floor asleep. He was sitting up right, criss-cross, arms folded over his chest, and head leaning against the wall behind him. I almost laughed.

Bending down to squat I front of him, I poked his cheek a few times. He jumped awake with wide eyes and took in his surroundings, finding me.

"I told you." He mumbled, standing, me following him.

"Why are you still here?" I asked, standing in front of him, looking up to read his emotions.

"I told you, I have some explaining that I intend on doing." He said and gestured his arms to my room. "Shall we?"

I sighed but still walked in. He followed me in and closed the door (I can imagine my dad's reaction and thoughts in this...).

We took our seats on the floor, me messing with the carpet and him starring intently at me. "So what exactly did you hear?" He asked.

"Just how you don't think it will work out and that you'll just protect me until those guys leave me alone, then me me go." I shrugged, feeling my stomach drop and my heart contact.

I was avoiding eye contact and when I looked up, he had this heartbroken look in his eyes. "Ellie, I-"

"I'm fine. You don't need to explain to me how you don't think I ever really loved you even after I confessed whole-hearted lay that I did." I shrugged, dropping my eyes to the ground. "It's cool, I get scared for you and your family's lives and suddenly I don't love you." I felt the pressure tighten around my heart, and tears formed. "So, just put me in a room with squishy walls and lock me there until those guys leave. Then never look at me again. I'll be fine, because I didn't ever really love-"

He apparently had enough of listening to me, because in that second, his lips were on mine. Efficiently shutting me up.

We pulled away. "It was all part of the plan, Els." He whispered, resting his forehead against mine.

I gave him a confused look. "What plan?"

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"Then I can't tell you everything right now." He said and pressed his lips against mine. "But am I forgiven?" He asked.

I sighed. "I mean I guess... I'm not completely sure though, you are still-" he shut me up again.


"He doesn't know everything, not until this is all over. Is that understood?" Kenneth asked to everyone in the room.

And by everyone, I mean, my parents and sister. Though he did have his parents and Adrian on the phone.

They all agreed.

Apparently, he needs me to stay home for now. He thinks they won't come after me if we show we have this huge break up.

So I get to do some acting.

Kenneth pulled me aside and held me tight. "I'll call everyday. Promise." He said and looked me in the face.

"And text whenever you get the chance, got it." I said, repeating what he'd told me earlier.

"Promise." Then he kissed me.

I didn't care if my parents am sister were a few yards away and could probably see us. In that moment I only cared about him.

When we pulled back I saw the scowl my dad sent Kenneth and the grin my sister and mom wore.

"Ready?" I asked.

He held my hand and pulled me to the door. "Ready."

I peeked his cheek before opening the door and shoving him out. "I don't even know why I trusted you in the first place!!! One minute you claim to love me and the next you're more than happy to dump me on the side of the road!!! Why don't you go find what blonde-flirt you love talking to so much?! What was her name? Sofie?! Annie?!" I yelled.

"Don't being her into this!!! She had nothing to do with this!!!" He snapped right back.

"Please! She's the entire reason for this!! Well, I guess all there's left to say is-" I stuck my middle finger in the air and cussed him out.

Before he could respond, I had the door slammed in his face. When I turned, everyone's eyes were wide and I'm sure mine were too.

I sighed and went to lay on the couch, resting my head on my mom's thigh. "That was ..."


A few minutes later, my phone rang and the ID showed it was Kenneth. "Hopefully not too convincing."

I walked into my room and answered. "Hello?"

"All of that was fake right? You're not really upset with me?" He asked, panicked.

I laughed. "Bingo." I said and collapsed on my bed.

I heard him sigh. "Just checking." He whispered.

For the next hour or two we talked or stayed silent. I was comfortable but would have preferred to be cuddled next to him watching a movie together.

It was going on 3 am when I last remembered checking the clock. I ended up falling asleep to the sound of his music playing in the background and him humming along.

So glad we situate this out...

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