Chapter 21

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The next two weeks were spent with Kenneth's mother in full on party-planning mode. And it was terrifying. 

Everything for my party had to be perfect. There had to be a strict guest list, specific decorations, only the best food, and only the most expensive cake. She was even going as far as to pick the outfit Kenneth and I would wear to the party so we'd match. It was madness. 

"I was thinking some small get-together with close family and friends, not a wedding reception type thing." I whispered to Kenneth as we waited at the cake store to meet with the baker who be making my overly expensive birthday cake. 

"This is my mother we're talking about." Kenneth whispered back as his mother argued with one of the baker's assistance demanding to see the baker now and not wait another minute. Even I was shaking with fear from how scary she looked. "This is simple in her eyes." he added.

I sighed, glancing at my phone as a text from Jasper finally came in. I invited him to come visit and had been waiting for his reply since yesterday afternoon.

Jasper: I'd love to come! I can take off for that week and can spend the week sight-seeing with you and lover boy! 

I laughed and began texting back, taking note of Kenneth's raised eyebrow at me as I texted Jasper. 

Ellie: Great! Can't wait for you to come! Text me when you'll be landing so I can make sure I'm there to pick you up! 

I turned off my phone and grinned up at a scowling Kenneth, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Jasper just texted," I said and instantly he was more relaxed. He was jealous. "He's coming in the week of the party and going to stay for the week to sigh-see like I did in London." I further went on and Kenneth nodded, draping an arm behind my chair. 

"Just let me know when we need to pick him up and I'll make sure I'm free to take you. He can stay in the guest room next to ours." he offered, making me beam up at him. 

"Thank you." I squealed, pressing another kiss on his cheek as I texted Jasper not to book a hotel, he'd be staying with us. 

Kenneth's mother came storming in not long after, looking royally upset. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she was pacing back and forth. "This is ridiculous! How is it okay to have us waiting here this long without seeing the baker?!" she fumed, continuing to pace. 

"Mom, why don't we just do a simple cake like Ellie suggested in the first place?" Kenneth sighed, rubbing my arm as he watched his mother pace like a lion. 

"NO!" she exclaimed. "Ellie is like a daughter to us, she deserves the best. Especially after the crazy year she's had! She needs to be given the best so she knows how much we treasure her!" she yelled, glaring at her son for even suggesting anything less. 

I rose from my seat and left Kenneth's arms as I made my way to his mother, hugging her to stop her from pacing. "I do know how much y'all care about me." I began, hearing her sigh as she wrapped her arms around my back as well. "I've forgiven Kenneth for hurting me, and I know how much I mean to your family. I don't need a big party to know y'all treasure me as if I were your own daughter." I explained, pulling back so she'd see how sincere I was about what I said. 

"But the party... You deserve the biggest and the best." she tried again, but I just smiled and shook my head. 

"I don't need it though. I'd feel just as special having a small get together with people I know care about me celebrating my birthday with me. I promise." I explained, hoping she'd see I meant it. 

She sighed, and nodded. And just at that moment, the baker came out. She turned on her heel, her glare set back on her face as she all but drilled the baker 6 feet under with her scowl. "We won't be needing your services anymore." she snapped, and stormed out of the bakery. 

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