"The Beginning"

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So that's a wrap people!!! The story is complete and over!!! I hope y'all liked the ending and I promise to go back and try to edit it to make it a little more bearable, but for now that's it. 

(In case y'all didn't understand, I put "The Beginning" instead of "The End" because though this is the end of the story, it's the beginning of their lives from this point on. NO that doesn't mean there will be a sequel, that just means this is the end of our story but the beginning of their lives... because to me my characters are real and they deserve the benefit of the doubt that they'll make things work.)

If y'all have any questions, fell free to comment here or message me and I'll try to answer them when I can. I'd love to hear from y'all about the story, just please be polite and don't be rude. I know my writing is terrible but please don't be mean, that doesn't help anyone. 

Now I'll be focusing on one of my other stories to hopefully finish all of them before mid August when I leave for college and start stressing over that! 

Thank you again for being awesome and a champ about reading my horrible writing. I hope you at least enjoyed the story, no matter how strange it started out. 

Thanks and Goodnight! 

Back to you Phil... Just kidding, I've always wanted to say that... my dream is complete ;D 



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