Magic, Here, and There

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Lifting boxes, Amber helped unload the bioship. Superboy was carrying two boxes while M'gann was using her powers to bring out the groceries. Nearby Amber saw Yin and Yang playing with a new yarn ball that she just got. In the last month the baby panthers had grown quite a bit.

"Did you get everything?" Batman asked.

"Everything on your list, Batman, plus groceries."

M'ganned placed one of the boxes of groceries down as Wally ran up to it like an excited child. "Cookie fixins?"

Amber rolled her eyes at Wally's. 'Him and food.'

"Snickerdoodles." M'gann replied to Wally's excitement.

"Babe, you rock my world."

Amber then heard the door slide open to see Artemis and Zatanna. Amber's gaze lingered on Zatanna before turning away.

Zatanna and Amber never really had the time to officaly get to know one another. All Amber knew was that the others had taken a liking to her and that was good enough for Amber.

Amber, Aqualad, and Superboy were working on one of the boxes when they heard a crash and Zatanna yell out, "Dad!"

Turning to look they all saw not just Zatarra but the other League members were gone.


The Team had discovered that anyone eighteen or older had disappeared. With the adults gone the streets were a mess. Amber could hear crying everywhere.

Collecting the kids Amber brought them to a nearby school where M'gann, Wally, Superboy, and Artmeis were taking the kids for safety. While they all remained in their civi's Amber took to dressing in her suit.

After dropping off another batch of kids to M'gann to bring inside the school, Amber headed back to the streets to look for more.

As she walked by a car she heard crying. Peaking throught the car window Amber saw a young baby girl crying her eyes out.

Amber pulled off the door to get to the kid. Once the door was off Amber unbuckled the baby's seatbelt. When Amber was about to pick her up, she froze as fear took over her body.

'Why??' Getting a good look at the baby Amber realized she looked very similar to another baby girl she once met, a long, long time ago.

Amber's arms shook as she pulled away from the child taking steps back.

'No!! Your–your...I-I...' Amber shook as memories flashed through her mind. A smiling young baby girl, a dagger in her hand, blood, so much blood. Amber collapsed onto the street.

'No, no, no. Stop. Stop. Stop, smiling at me. Please!' Just like in her memories the baby right in front of her was staring at her. Her lips lifted in a wide smile as she made grabbing hands at her to pick her up and hold her.

Amber's breathe became haggard, she couldn't breathe. She tore her mask off, as her breathing became more haggard. Amber turned her body to be on all fours turning her body away from the baby girl, away from the memories she wished to forget. Amber was on her knees panicking as she brought her hands to her hair and pulled at it yelling in her mind, to stop.

But nothing would stop the memories, the nightmares kept coming back as if they were stuck on replay and Amber had no way of fixing it.

Without realizing it Amber was unaware of someone approaching her.

Kaldur, saw Amber on the ground in a heaving mess. Thinking she was hurt Kaldur rushed over to Amber sliding down onto his knees as he placed both of his hands onto Amber's own to stop her from pulling all of her hair out. Her wig long gone from all the tugging.

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