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The last few weeks had been a mess for Amber. Her sleep was practically nonexistent, she were lucky if she were able to get in at least an hour of sleep. Amber had been spending her days away from the team and stuck to her job, the training room, and caring for Yin and Yang. The whole school thing was getting in the way and Amber was no longer interested in it. She dropped out of it on the pretense of switching back to homeschooling.

The other's worried for Amber sending her looks here and there. M'gann had even tried to coax her into spending some quality time with her and having a girls night out, but Amber kindly rejected the offer.

The only time the team had really seen her fully was on Wally's birthday, nine days ago.

Even then, Amber kept away from everybody not bothering to converse, less than usual.


"Surprise!" The team shouted.

"Whaaat! Oh, you guys! You shouldn't have."

"Right, not like you've been hinting."

Amber watched from the corner as she leaned against the wall. She observed the happy scene with tiredness from a lack of much needed sleep.

But sadly it was interrupted by the sound of Batman's voice going off. Batman had called in about four ice towers causing heavy snow sending each member to go team up with a League member. Wally was stuck being a delivery boy to a girl in need of a heart transplant.

Amber was assigned to go with Robin and Aqualad as they teamed up with Batman, Aqualad, and Flash. During the battle all Amber did was destroy the machine never bothering to communicate with the others unless necessary.

After all the ice towers were destroyed the team had gone back to base to finish Wally's birthday. It was also during this moment when Wally asked for his birthday present/wish from Amber.

To see her without the mask and wig. The others had been surprised by the outcome, but Amber only dragged Wally behind a door. After a few moments Amber walked out first she adjusted her mask on her face, and then headed back to her room. Wally came out moments after with a dreamy look on his face.

The team was quick to question what Amber actually looked like, but Wally refused to give, saying it was his gift and only his gift. The only thing he did say though was that Amber was a total "hottie".


The memory brought a small smile to Amber's face before quickly disappearing. Amber stopped her punching as she looked down at her bruised and bloody hands. She hadn't bothered to wrap them and now her hands were a mess.

Hearing meowling Amber looked down at Yin and Yang. They were rubbing against her legs wanting to get picked up. Doing as they wanted Amber picked both of them up. After doing so they crawled all over her body before settling on her shoulders.

'It won't be long before they're too big for that.' Looking at them Amber turned to see a clock.

Seeing the time Amber thought, 'Better feed them while I'm at it.'


After giving Yin and Yang some slices of raw meat Amber heard the speaker go off.

"Robin, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, Amber, report for mission briefing."

With that Amber gave Yin and Yang a scratch on the head as she head out of the briefing the two kittens following.


"Ruman Harjavti is the democratically-elected Presiden of Qurac. Harjavti has been praised as a fair, wise leader a humanitarian."

From beside her Kid Flash mumbled, "Sure. Any friend of Bruce Wayne's."

Deck of Cards Series: Life Is like A Deck Of CardsWhere stories live. Discover now