The date 2

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Val's getting ready for his date which is in 30 minutes and gets a dress with a slit down the middle and backless with a strings around it holding it up over his neck. Then he feels a presence near him "I know your there shit bag" he turns around to see alastor hovering over him

"yes well don't think my eyes or not never on you".

"Aw I didn't know you care". Val says with his regular play boy grin

"Haha I don't all I care about is that you're holding up your end of the deal".

"I am as we speak Vox is taking me out in about 30 minutes or so".

"Good now remember the main topic now do whatever you need to be sexually intimate with him if you have to manipulate him whatever means necessary remember what your doing this for".

"I'm the fucking overlord of lust I know how to play guys like him know one can resist me not even you".

"Just do your job and you're off the hook".

"Voxys gonna be here soon you need to leave". Alastor steps back and disappears into the shadows. Val was about to have an out burst if he didn't hear a knock on the door. "Come in" voxs comes in seeing Val wearing a beautiful dress looking him up and done which leave him speechless. Val looks down "do you not like it?"

"I don't even have the words"

Val's blushes a bit "are those for me" Val looks down seeing Vox holding a bouquet of flowers

"uh-uh yes sorry it's just you look beautiful baby". Vox holds out the flowers to Val and Val blushes when Vox calls him baby

"baby huh never heard that one before" "sorry I just um-"

"its okay I like it" Val leans closer to Vox at his ear level and whispers to him"voxy~" making Vox have a shiver down his spine making him blush.

" Let's gets going don't wanna be late
Val and Vox leave in his limo and just sit in silence

"so did that girl fuck you?" Vox asks

"huh what do you mean"

"before I went into your office earlier I saw someone leaving and In a hurry".

"Aw are you getting jealous voxy boxy~"

Vox starts to blush a bit "ew don't call me that" Vox says looking away so Val can't see him blush.

"Don't worry I just yelled at her I just had a little... argument with her nothing to worry your little head about it". Val says getting closer to Vox causing him to blush a bit and then the window stops and the driver rolls down a window.

"We're here sir" and Vox looks at Val "let's go" they both get out of the limo and go into a restaurant . And Val sees that no one's in there except them host and him and Vox

"vox why is it empty" Vox smiles "because I bout the place out for me and you baby. Val starts to blush as voxs holds out his hand and he takes it as the host leads them to there table.being the gentleman Vox is he pulls of the chair for Val and he sits down. "So what are you getting" Vox asks.

"Probably a steak I didn't really have much to eat today".

"Whys that?" Vox asks while still holding his menu in-front of his face already knowing that it's probably angel dust related.

"Oh they needed me at the studio angel dusts been not behaving so I've been needing to go down to teach him a lesson" Val says looking up and then seeing one of Alastors little demons. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, tell the waiter I just want a steak okay and you can decide which side I get" Val says to Vox before leaving to the restroom.

After Vox sees Val leave in the bathroom he starts to think to himself "shit vox your blowing this why else would he go to the bathroom the quickly, okay fuck I need to calm down". As soon as Vox calms down the waiters comes.

"Hello I'll be your waiter tonight what can I get you started off with". "Um I'll order for both of us he's in the bathroom, I'll get the ravioli and he'll get the steak with mash potatoes on the side."

Hi tried making this longer but the dates not over yet and the scene with weak ankles is next so be patient until Saturday kisses baby

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