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Vox and Val are both sitting together in silence with Vox looking shocked still "so everything was a lie?"

"Not everything."

"When i said I didnt want to hurt you that wasn't a lie" Vox keeps avoiding eye contact with Val so he can't see the pain in his eyes.

"When you said you loved me do you still do..." Vox was about to speak but Alastors minions enter

"we gotta get out of here!" Val takes Voxs hand and kicks all the minions out of the way. But as there running Vox stops

"what are you stopping for we've got to go!"

"Velvet..." they both forgot about her and have know idea where she is and look around before seeing her and Alastor fighting "you piece of red fucking shit that was 500 dollars I can see why Vox hates you." Velvet says before throwing her handbag to the ground with her fists up

"let's dance bitch" velvet says before letting her demon form take over Vox was trying to get up to join the fight but Val stops him

"if you go over there you'll die!" Val says with worry in his eye "there are worst things Vox says coldly before standing up and walking over.

"Vox were the fuck have you been!" "Busy trying not to die, you?" The radio demons starts to laugh

"haha we both know you can't do anything." "Maybe" Vox says before taking out his angelic dagger "but I bet I can't still make you bleed".

Vox starts to charge at Alastor and velvet takes out her angelic spear charging at Alastor as well. They both start to fight with Alastor doing nothing with his demons fighting the two off slaughtering his minions.

"Now you two have fun without me I've still got lots on my agenda". Alastor says leaving the two in a room leaving his minions with them. Vox is fighting off the demons and one of them comes up behind Vox holding an angelic dagger about to stab him with Vox not even noticing. The demon charges at vox with full force before Val steps in taking the stab and taking the knife away from the demon stabbing him to death.

"VAL!" Val falls to his knees with the demons starting to crawl over him with Val not being able to defend himself but just then Vox starts to feel rage and zaps lighting bolts at all the demons making them fall off of Val. Vox looks at his hand "how?" Before running over to Val

"Alastors deal is broken he said *cough* I wouldn't get hurt." "Why would you do this?" "People do crazy things when they're in love"

Val says smiling still bleeding out grunting a bit "your gonna be alright I promise, velvet take care of him I'll be back."

Vox travels through his cameras looking for Alastor finally he sees him and teleports and Alastor looks at him shocked "what the hell". Vox strikes Alastor down with lighting bolts as he's still stunned catching him of guard.

"You hurt him and now you're gonna pay". Alastor uses his tentacles throwing them at Vox who zaps them until one of the tentacles grabs on to Voxs waist choking him

"this has been fun and all but it's time to die." Voxs thought all was lost but then velvet comes in with Valentino on her shoulder holding an angelic spear "Vox catch!!!" Velvet throws the angelic spear and Vox who catches it and cuts the tentacle holding Vox and then throwing it and Alastors clothes pinning him against the wall "give up yet?"

Voxs says wiping the blood from his mouth off. "Never" alstros says before disappearing into nothingness "fucking right you run away"

Vox says that before running over to Val who's still bleeding then Voxs face light up "what if I got a you a angelic needle could you like I don't know stitch him up?" Velvet looks shocked and then says "yes but you would need to hurry he doesn't have much time..."

Hello don't worry the book is not coming to an end yet but I feel like that fight could have been a bit better sorry about that anyways by baby's love u

Vox and the trapped mothTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang