Ch.28 His Seed

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Today I'm talking to the 3 people I have yet to talk to face to face.

My uncles Pancho, Andrew, and Necio.

NO ONE knows I spent the night at Ramon's and had sex with him.

That just made me more confused.

He lied to me, he messed around with another bitch, he used me, in yet, I still have strong feelings for him.

"Brianna!" I hear my mom yell breaking my thoughts.

I look out my window and see my uncles walking up the driveway.

So I walk out to the living room and see my brothers and dad there.

"Hey" tio Andrew says awkwardly as him and my other uncles come in through the door.

I sit on the couch and now it's all awkward silence.

"We uh, we wanted to talk to you before we go to that gang meeting" tio Pancho starts.

I nod.

"So uh, you're pregnant by that Santana kid huh?" Necio asks.

I nod.

"Uy, uy, uy mija what were you thinking??" Tio Andrew asks still in disbelief.

"Tio I didn't know he was from MS13 I swear I didn't, I had no idea he was Angel Morales" I explain.

"Yeah, I know, everyone knows about their fucking plan to use you, all type of shit is leaked all over the place, but that's not what I'm talking about right now, I'm talking about the fact that you weren't smart about this, I never expected you to get pregnant at a young age mija" he says disappointedly.

I nod in agreement.

"How far are you?" Pancho asks.

"I'm 12 weeks, almost 4 months" I tell him.

I recently went to the doctor and he told me the baby is about the size of a lime now and can start wiggling around inside of me even though I probably won't feel it.

My tiny bump hasn't grown any bigger yet either.
It always gives me chills when he talks about the baby cause it's still completely unbelievable that I'm pregnant.

"And I'm guessing you're staying pregnant right?" Tio Necio asks.

I nod.

"Alright well, let's just go to this meeting and uh, let's see what's up" Tio Andrew says standing up.

We all go outside and drive to this large empty lot where the meeting is going to be held.

We didn't want them coming to our warehouse and they didn't want us to go to there there's so it's going to be at an empty lot.

As soon as we get there there's a ton of people.

And you can easily tell how divided it is.

Our gangs on the left and MS13 is on the right.

And no one in the middle.

As we walk up to the scene all eyes turn on us.

I spot Ramon and get nervous.

I can't believe I'm in this spot right now, and these two gangs are facing each other under these circumstances.

You can see our gangs just glaring and dogging each other.

"So we know why we're here, to figure out this bullshit we got" Ramon's dad Cruz says.

"Look ese, we don't need to join our gangs together like they were at one point or any shit like that, but I think we do gotta drop the beef vato" my dad tells him.

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