Ch.51 Pool Of Sharks

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Yesterday Ramon was released from jail.

So he wants me to go to his house with Maceo to talk about everything, there's a bunch of shit we need to talk about.

I'm really nervous to see him.

He fucked up and he keeps fucking up but I have such strong feelings for him.

I just want to see how today goes and go based off of that.

I straighten my hair and do my makeup then change into a loose black t-shirt, blue skinny jeans and black combat boots.

Then I lay Maceo down on my bed to change him.

Maceo is 5 months, he was 3 months when Ramon got locked up.

He's grown is so many ways, and Ramon missed all of it.

I would show pictures of Ramon to Mace but he never really paid attention he just wanted to grab the phone and put his mouth on it.

"We're gonna see your daddy today handsome" I say to him as I put his little socks and shoes on.

He just smiles and babbles.

He can't say words yet like momma or dada or anything like that but he's almost there.

Then there's a knock at the door so I look out the window but can't see, I look down the driveway though and see no cars parked anywhere and no one else is home.

I pick up Maceo and go to the front door.

I open the first wooden door and right away see my Tia Lorraine's boyfriend Ramiro through the screen door standing there.

"What's up Brianna is your Tia here?" He asks looking.

"No" I simply say.

He nods and walks away.

"Fuckin' weirdo" I say quietly to myself then close the door.

He always comes when my brothers aren't home cause he already knows they'll flip out on him.

I don't know why my Tia lets him know when they're gone and a lot of days they're gone all day.

So Ramiro will bring his homies over and drink.

I hate that shit.

"Come on Legend lets get out of here" I say to Maceo as I grab his diaper bag and go outside to my car.

I put him in his car seat and begin to anxiously drive to Ramon's house.

"Macey what are we gonna do about daddy" I say to him as he just makes little noises in the backseat.

At this point I don't know what to do about Ramon anymore.

I just want him to be good to me and Maceo.

I get to Ramon's house and park across the street like usual texting him to let him know I'm here.

I get off and go to the backseat to take Maceo out.

By the time I get him out and close the door I see Ramon coming out of his house.

He stands there and waits as I walk about to him.

I can't help but give him a big nervous smile.

"What's up baby girl" he says with a smile giving me a hug.

"Hey little man" Ramon says to Maceo" and Mace just looks at him, Ramon smiles.

"Come in" he says stepping out of the way and I go inside his house.

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