Ch.33 Confused

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"Brianna!" I hear my mom yell from outside my room.

I yawn and set my laptop to the side getting off my bed.

I walk down the hall and to the kitchen.

"What?" I ask her.

"Sentarse" she says which is sit down in Spanish.

She hands me a bag of McDonalds food.

"You shouldn't be eating all this junk food mija pretty soon you'll be gorda" she says calling me fat in Spanish.

She only got it for me cause I was craving it.

I smack my lips.

"No I'm not even the doctor said I'm all baby" I say rolling my eyes.

I have a noticeable round stomach now.

It really just popped over night.

"MmmHmm okay" she says rolling her eyes.

"Aye so these were the colors you wanted for the baby's room right?" My mom says showing me two paint sample cards.

His room is gonna have light heather Gray walls and I'm gonna furnish it with White furniture and his crib bedding will be baby blue.

So the color scheme I'm basically going for is baby blue, gray, and white. And probably some black.

"Yeah why?" I tell her.

"Okay good cause I sent your brothers to the store to buy the paint so they can paint it today" she says.

"Already? We don't need to paint it so soon mom" I say taking a drink of my soda.

"Um yes we do you're 5 months and trust me the next 4 months are gonna fly buy and you wanna order a crib and all this furniture you're gonna have boxes everywhere mija" she explains.

That is true.

"And when you have your baby shower eh? You're gonna have boxes of diapers and all kinds of shit it's gonna fill up your room you need somewhere to put everything, and your brothers are gonna paint it don't be in there you're pregnant you can't be smelling that shit" she tells me.

"Fine by me" I say with a smirk. I do not feel like painting a bedroom.

"Fucking finally" my mom says as my brothers come through the door with 2 of their homies who are probably gonna

"Aye wasn't my fault" Gio says smirking at Xavier.

My mom puts her hands on her hips and looks at my brothers.

"The fuck did you guys do?" She asks already knowing they did something.

"Show her dawg" Gio says teasingly playfully pushing Xavier.

Xavier smacks his lips and reaches into his pocket.

"Here" he says holding back a laugh as he hands out a piece of paper to my mom.

"Travieso don't tell what the fuck I think this is" my mom says snatching the piece of paper from him.

It's probably a ticket. And if it is my moms gonna be even more mad cause Xavier has been driving her car since his has been in the shop getting decked out.

"Before you get mad-" he says quickly but my moms expression makes everyone get quiet and look at her face trying hard to not laugh.

Her jaw drops but smiles wide.

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