Ch.40 Coparents

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I'm in deep sleep from my nap when I'm woken up by the sound of my phone ringing.

I roll my tired eyes and slowly sit up to see who's calling me.

It's a number I don't know or recognize so I lay back down.

It gets quiet again.

But only for a moment before the same phone number is calling me again.

I smack my lips and reach over to answer it.

"Hello?" I answer curiously.

"Hey you" a deep male voice says.

I sit up and pause for a moment.

"Who's this?" I ask.


I roll my eyes and say nothing.

"I uh, changed my number so I just wanted you to have my new one just in case" he tells me.

"Just in case what?".

"I want to know how the baby is doing".

I laugh.

"Since when the fuck do you care?" I ask.

"Brianna I've always cared, shits just been fucking hard you know that" he says with a sigh.

"Yeah I do I'm the one who's pregnant looking like a joke" I shake my head.

"I'm not trying to make you look a joke-" I cut him off.

"You're not trying to but you are Ramon you don't have any fucking respect for me" I say with a crackling voice at the end.

God knows how much he's hurt me already.

"He's still my son and I'm still his dad" he simply says.

Maybe he doesn't care about me.

Maybe he doesn't love me.

Maybe he just wants to be a father to our son but I stress him out.

I don't want him to feel forced to be with me because of this baby.

If you love something set it free.

"I know" I say quietly.

"When's your doctors appointment" he asks.

"Today actually um, at 1:00" I let him know.

"Can I do, I could pick you up or meet you there" he offers.

"Yeah um I'll just meet you there" I tell him.

There's no way in hell my brothers will even be okay with him parking across the street from my house.

"Okay I'll see you then" he says then I hang up.

I suck in my lips.

Why does he go back and forth so much? I can only pray he doesn't do this shit when Maceo is here.

I get up from bed and brush my teeth and wash my face.

Then I go to the kitchen to find something quick to eat so I can start getting ready.

"What's up" Jimmy says closing the fridge with a beer in his hand.

"Hey what are you doing here?" I ask.

"Tia Lorraine is moving in the rest of her shit in today mom told me to come help early" he says taking a drink.

"Where's Xavier and Gio?" I ask.

Pregnant by the EnemyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ