Ch. 81 The Talks

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Ch. 81 The Talks


Ever since Jimmy's party me and Savage haven't stopped talking.

He's consistently, not constantly, but consistently texting and calling me.

And I always respond.

He makes me laugh and makes me feel positive, almost like a best friend.

He sweet and hood at the same time.

We've only seen each other like every other day at the most because we're both always so busy.

He said he's going out of town and wants to see me later.

I wanted to ask more questions but I decided to wait until I see him.

So I just said okay.

"Maceo put that down baby" I say as he runs with a picture frame he somehow managed to reach from table.

"Mamamamama" is all he says.

He says a lot of words and does a lot of motions now.

He's very smart.

"Come here" I say picking him up and putting him in his high chair.

I put some banana slices and Cheerios on his tray and fill his sippy cup with milk.

I put my hair into a ponytail and sit down at the table next to him and eat the eggs and bacon I made for myself.

"Where's mine?" Gio asks coming into the kitchen.

"There's more on the stove" I tell him.

"What's up Legend" he says playfully before kissing Maceo's forehead.

"Is Karina here still?" I ask him since she slept over last night.

"Nah she was fucking tripping last night on some dumb shit so I told her ass to bounce" he tells me.

I just shake my head.

My phone starts to vibrate on the table and I immediately see it's Ramon.

"Hello" I answer.

"What are you doing" he asks.

"Feeding Mace" I tell him.

"I wanna talk to you when can we talk" he asks anxiously.

I sigh.

"Later" I simply respond.


"Yes in a little bit I have things I need to do" I tell him.

He stays quiet.

"I'll hit you up" I assure him.

"Aight" he says then hangs up.

This time Gio shakes his head at me.

"Do you have to look so disappointed every time I talk to him?" I sigh.

"Hey I didn't say anything" he says as he gets up to put his plate in the sink.

I just roll my eyes.

When me and Mace are done eating breakfast I settle him in the living room with his toys and the baby channel where they play his favorite cartoons suitable for his age.

Xavier and Gio both end up getting ready and leaving to do what they do.

I decided to take a day off and do stuff around the house and be lazy with Mace all day.

I usually do stuff like this on Sundays but I decided why not.

I do laundry, put away the laundry, clean, and mostly play with Mace.

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