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Whispered secrets and hushed confessions that contrast the long, comfortable silences. Inside jokes resulting in warm chuckles and fond giggles. The familiar experience of waking up dazed after sleeping after a strenuous mission. Feeling inexplicably close to one another from cold, isolated rooms under the same roof.

The only thing missing is touch.

Fantasies of cuddling, of feeling safe and secure, and holding hands in private, hidden from the eyes that eagerly watch for flushed cheeks and every laugh that seems slightly too affectionate. Safe in each other's arms, bodies finally close and touching after years of secret pining. Eye contact that lasts for hours.
Warm faces in cold hands, and soft laughs when the comfort of gazing into one another’s eyes turns into long and persistent staring contests. Everyday spent together finally leading up to the vulnerability of being by each other's sides.

Fushiguro adored that boy — maybe even loved him but it wasn't the right world for them to live in, so it ended.
But it ended beautifully.

A missing piece (itafushi) |itadori × fushiguro|Where stories live. Discover now