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Chapter 9:


3 months ago

Itadori truly wasn’t expecting Fushiguro to show up at the kitchen where he was working. Fushiguro usually helps with things but he never stopped by unless he wanted something during this time of the day. Itadori hoped that Fushiguro wasn’t here to confront him about something he had done, he tried thinking about something he had done that could possibly make him angry but nothing to his mind.

  "Good evening, Itadori. The hell are you upto?" Fushiguro asked. He was handsome as usual, he wore his usual outfits apart from his uniform — a grey sweatshirt and black pants. His hair was a bit disheveled and he clearly looked tired from the last mission.

"Cooking" , Itadori replied.

"Mind if a join?"

 Itadori leaned against the kitchen counter as he considered. He usually doesn't have company during cooking — only sometimes Fushiguro pays him visits. Last time when he came to the kitchen while Itadori was cooking he taught Fushiguro how to cook meatballs. It might be nice to have the company. " Are you feeling well? You must be tired from the last mission."

 A flicker of amusement crossed Fushiguro's face. It did not erase the exhaustion there. " No, I'm feeling fine now, that's why i wanted to help"

 "Then you may join",  Itadori said and stepped aside for Fushiguro to take the lead of the frying pan on which Itadori was making eggs.

     The smile that Fushiguro flashed him was grateful. "How are you feeling?", he asked eyes still fixated on the pan.

Itadori cocked his head as his gaze landed on Fushiguro. "I’m alright", he smiled back.

" That's good, I texted Kugisaki but i think she's sleeping"

" She must be really tired, she really went all out there on the mission, she's the MVP we can say", Itadori added.

" She was good", Fushiguro agreed but then added, "but I'll surpass all of you here"

Itadori left a hearty chuckle, " That's so like you Fushiguro, you can sure do that but i won't be left behind either", he met his eyes with Fushiguro's — burning with and hunger to improve — the corner of his lips quirked up and Itadori felt his stomach do a flip — but hs managed to smile back.

Whats was that just now?, he thought.

  "Are you hungry?", Itadori changed the subject matter.

Fushiguro was hungry, though being tired made his appetite slacken somewhat.  He replied, " I won't mind eating, well that's why I'm here to help you"

  " The egg are almost done what should i do next?"

"Yeah let me get the things needed", the pink haired boy hummed as he began to gather ingredients for dinner. Fushiguro didn’t recognize the tune.

 Fushiguro watched Itadori move around the kitchen, gathering the things needed. He finally settled everything on the counter, Fushiguro came and stood next to him.

 Itadori flashed him a smile that was difficult to interpret but Fushiguro thought he was pleased by him offering to help. "Dice these herbs." He pushed a cutting board piled with various herbs toward Fushiguro.

Fushiguro recognized thyme and parsley but he didn’t know the rest of them. He took a knife from the butcher block and began chopping.

   While he did that, Itadori stuffed a little Cornish game hen with quail eggs. He rubbed skin with butter, let it grease his hands and wasn’t afraid of the mess.

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