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Chapter4: an unknown feeling




Itadori is touchy. He’s touchy with pretty much everyone—it’s how he shows affection. A slap on the back for a job well done, or bumping shoulders when he asks you how you’re doing. Megumi stared straight ahead as he tried not to think of Itadori’s body heat seeping through his own blazer.

It is cold today. Mid November as the rain crashed against the car’s windshield, wipers furiously moving like a broken metronome. Megumi never liked the cold. There’s always a chill that goes up your spine when you're near a high grade curse, and Megumi always just preferred spring and summer to winter.

All three of them stepped out into the rain, harsh droplets making it hard for them to keep their eyes open. Nitta drove away behind them, saying something about running an errand for Gojo. Megumi looked up at the high rise building. He guesses that there must be at least twelve or thirteen floors, possibly bad considering there may be a lot of low grade curses to deal with before they find the one they’re looking for.

“Can we stop staring and go in already? My clothes aren’t getting any drier.” Kugisaki blurted, jogging towards the door with her hands above her head in an attempt to keep her hair from getting any more wet.

Itadori gently slapped the back of Megumi’s shoulder, sending him his signature grin. “We got this don’t we?” He said, turning around and walking backwards as he keeps his eyes on Megumi’s expression.

“Yeah. Let’s get this over with, I’m sick of the rain already.”


Either the curse was a really weak high grade, or they’ve gotten a lot stronger, because it doesn't take them their usual struggle to finish high grade curses like before. During their first missions as a team everyone usually felt like passing out from exhaustion right there on the floor, but now it was more like the soreness you feel the morning after a tough workout. Kugisaki’s groan echos throughout the beaten up building as she stretches out her back. Itadori was sitting on the floor catching his breath and Megumi outstretched his hand to help him up. Itadori smiles as he grabs his hand and hauls himself up, letting go as he dusts off his clothes. Megumi didn’t want to dwell on the warmth that he felt when holding Itadori’s hand, but he couldn’t help chasing the other slightly as it was pulled away.

Itadori turns his head towards the broken window, mouth agape. "Woah it’s almost completly dark now. I think climbing all those stairs took away more time and energy than the curse did."

“Fushiguro,” Kugisaki rolls out his name, “can’t you summon a shikigami to take us downstairs,  you're really gonna make me walk after all the fighting?" She whines.

"No — now lets go before it gets too dark to see where we’re stepping." Megumi starts walking towards the stairs, hearing the whines of the other two behind him.

Fushiguro thinks that it would’ve taken less time to climb down all the flights of stairs without the other two whining and complaining behind him, but nonetheless they finally open the door outside, making a break towards Akari's running car in some useless effort to not get any more soaked—which was pointless considering how their wet shoes were squeaking with every step they took.


"The car ride was way uncomfortable than it was in the morning", Fushiguro sighed as they reached the hotel entrance.

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