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Chapter 8: a gloomy day pt.2


"Whats on your mind", Fushiguro asked with a calm voice as he leaned against the wall of the onsen.

"Umm nothing"

"You seem worried"

"It's just I've been thinking about stuff but it's okay", Itadori answers looking away.

"you're too hard on yourself you know, try distracting yourself or maybe talk about it", Fushiguro once again glanced at Itadori, this time looking more worried.

"I'm- im fine"

"okay then", Fushiguro left a long sigh.

"Uh I've been meaning to ask you something", Itadori finally decides to talk about what happened at the party. He has a hunch that this must've be bothering Fushiguro as well, so it's better to talk about it.

"what is it?", Fushiguro turned to Itadori, now completely facing him.
Something about them standing face to face, in a bath made Fushiguro's heart race.

"Well i know this happened a while ago but— "

As the words left the shorter boy's mouth it was then it struck Fushiguro's mind, did he mean the day at the party?  His heart started racing and million toughts crossed his mind. He wasn't sure how he'd react to what was about to come. Should he tell Itadori that's he like him? Or pretend like he didn't care what happened? It's too early for this, he thought.

" —but um- why didn't you tell me i kissed you that day?"

shit shit shit shit i wasn't ready for it shit, his mind raced.

"what are you- oh well i- i didn't want to make it awkward for you", Fushiguro felt like he'd pass out any moment, is it cause of the heat of the onsen or seeing Itadori naked or cause of what's happening right now, he didn't know.

"oh um you should've atleast told me so that i could've apologized, I'm sorry", Itadori looked embarrassed, he couldn't bring himself to look into Fushiguro's eyes, he felt immense guilt thinking Fushiguro endured that and refused to complain just so he is comfortable.

i don't deserve him, thought Itadori.

"No- it's fine, it's not a huge of a deal like you were drunk...", Fushiguro's face was red.

" You're too good to be true", Itadori sighed then, then bringing his eyes to meet Fushiguro's.

" That's really not the case actually–"

"Or were you disgusted that you tired to hide it?", the question caught Fushiguro off-guard. Where that even came from?

Itadori’s eyes were glossy, Fushiguro's noticed. It was the first time he had seen him like this and he didn't know what to do.

"What's that's— that's not— What’s going on with you? This is so unlike you", Fushiguro snapped; it came off harsher than he meath it to be.

"You won't like that answer," Itadori replied. He was incredibly still, like a statue or a portrait, displaying a calmness that his eyes betrayed him  as they darted from item to item, anywhere except Fushiguro, who was staring holes into Itadori as he stood before him.

Fushiguro found himself, once again, thinking about how strange this all was. Normally when he had a conversation with Itadori it'd be either very light hearted or something comforting. It was the first time he had even been in a situation like this with the pink-haired boy.

Even bizarre Fushiguro found himself taking a step closer to Itadori. "I want to know," he said, surprised at the lack of ferocity in his voice. He wasn't demanding an answer, but encouraging Itadori to tell him.

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