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Skystar's POV:

"Who are you?" An accusing voice hissed at Skystar as she stopped at the top of a slope to examine the view. She tensed, her snow white fur bristling as she turned to face the unfamiliar cat. She was worried she would run into these strange Starclan cats soon.

"I am Skystar, former leader of Lightclan." She dipped her head respectfully to the cream furred tomcat in front of her. Her ears pricked when she felt a strong, salty breeze pick up around her.

The cream tom eyed Skystar as she straightened again. His orange stripes, that were slightly faded, ran across most of his body. It gave him a bit of a tiger look to him. "Lightclan, you say? Is that the new clan that has joined our clans down in the living world?" His sparkling yellow eyes bore into her, then at her companions.

All of Lightclan's Starclan had accompanied her out of what used to be their home. They had followed Lightclan as they searched for a new home.

"Yes it is." Jumpingstar padded up to Skystar's side. Her mentor's thick brown fur brushed with her's and his green eyes flashed with slight aggression. "And don't even think about chasing us out."

"Jumpingstar, calm down." Lightstar scolded, her voice gentle and almost inaudible amongst the sound of crashing waves against the sandy shoreline. Skystar turned to see her faded pelt toward the back of the group. Despite being the creator of Lightclan, the gentle she cat preferred to stay at the back and allow Skystar, Silverstar or Jumpingstar to lead the Starclan cats.

The cream tabby tom sighed softly and turned away from Skystar and her followers. He let out a soft yowl, "Come and greet our new friends!"

Skystar felt a flash of relief. They accepted us! She felt her tail raise slightly from the joy.

Waterfly and Silverstar approached Skystar from behind. The blue-grey she cat meowed quietly, "Isn't it odd how they accepted us so easily?" Silverstar nodded from beside Waterfly.

Skystar shrugged, "It is, but nevermind. They have allowed us to join with their Starclan, be grateful we didn't have to fight."

Soon, two more cats appeared. Skystar could see the ground through their pelts which meant they were old Starclan cats. But how old?

The massive black tom snorted as he looked Skystar and her clanmates up and down, "Scrawny looking cats, aren't they?"

"Ravenstar!" The cream tom scolded with a glare at his companion. "Not everyone is as big as you."

Ravenstar rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

The cream tom spoke again, "Welcome, Lightclan ancestors. You are welcome here in our Starclan. My name is Smallstar, founder of Smallclan. This is Echo-"

"Wait," Skystar interrupted, her green and brown markings beginning to show through her white fur from the sheer surprise and excitement. "Smallclan? I-I thought they died out!"

Smallstar shook his head, "No. We ran away."

Ravenstar narrowed his eyes accusingly, "How do you know about Smallclan?"

"I was born into Smallclan." Skystar meowed, her eyes shining at the thought of finally seeing her family again.

"You were? Who are your parents?" Smallstar asked, his tail flicking.

"Raindrop and Moonclaw." Skystar mewed, wincing at the thought of her murderous father.

"Moonclaw?!" Ravenstar snarled, "Get out! Get away you demon spawn!" Skystar felt her claws unsheath out of instinct and Jumpingstar quickly came to her rescue.
"She is not evil! She saved her clan from Moonclaw!" Jumpingstar hissed, his tail bushing out and a low growl forming in his throat.

Ravenstar twitched his whiskers at Jumpingstar's sudden, defensive outburst. "And who are you? Her mate?"

"I was Skystar's mentor. Former Lightclan leader called Jumpingstar." The brown tomcat lashed his bristling tail and stepped back to allow Skystar to continue talking.

Smallstar fixed Ravenstar with a glare, "This is Ravenstar, founder of Ravenclan." Then he flicked his tail at the quiet grey she cat, "This is Echostar, the founder of Echoclan."

Echostar dipped her head without saying anything. Her soft grey fur and shining sea-blue gaze gave her a pretty, gentle and petite look. Skystar found herself feeling a slight twinge of jealousy at the pretty she cat.

A small smile formed on Echostar's lips as she scanned over Skystar, then Jumpingstar, Waterfly and Wildstar. Skystar noticed her gaze linger on Ivypaw and Fawnpaw and she meowed, "These two died recently. Ivypaw was killed in the battle that chased Lightclan out and Fawnpaw was killed in a blizzard."

"Oh, you poor little things." Smallstar whispered softly, his yellow eyes shining with pity.

Skystar still watched Echostar, waiting for her to say something. Ravenstar noticed this and he meowed, "She's mute."

"Oh!" Skystar was surprised. She had never met a mute cat. Echostar avoided Skystar's gaze and a wave of self-consciousness came off the old she cat. Skystar quickly looked away, worried that she was being rude.

"Let's introduce you to everyone else, shall we?" Smallstar smiled as he headed toward the sandy beach where a large crowd of Starclan cats waited.


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