Chapter 6

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Taehyung got to school all happy and preppy without the kinda tired and sleepy aura that usually surrounded him. Jeongguk noticed the shift and smiled at him. Taehyung smiled back with his full, wide boxy smile and Jeongguk combusted on the inside.

 This was his first time seeing his wide smile and his heart just busted with uwu's, he had the sudden urge to pinch his cheeks, so he did and said "You're so cute when you smile you should do it more often."

Now, it was Taehyung's turn to get flustered and shy. His cheeks were dusted pink by the comment and he just stood still, trying to process what he just heard. 

Taehyung was openly gay, and although it did cause him some problems, he was happy he was out of the closet and free to be whoever he wanted to be.

Jeongguk and Taehyung continued to talk as if nothing had happened. The rest of the day was filled with laughter, jokes and fun. 

Taehyung felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, he felt like he was an ordinary student and not just a kid who works 8 hours a day to make ends meet because his bitchy mother can't get off her ass and make a living for herself. 

But when school ends, the weight comes crashing down and he heads off to work. Jeongguk again notices Taehyung, this time his curiosity increasing a bit more but still ignores it and heads off to his car. 

Taehyung picks Minji up from school, who's happier than usual because her brothers happier than usual. They make their way to the café and start working while Minji completes her maths homework at a table in the corner. Even Jin and Namjoon notice the change in his behaviour and smile to themselves, feeling happy that the younger finally got what he deserved. Jin and Namjoon knew what state the younger was in and how he had to juggle his jobs with school and assignments and take care of Minji. After work, they headed home.

Taehyung opened the door and saw his mother on the couch 20 inches away from the TV staring mindlessly at it while gulping down beer from the bottle in her hand. He could sense that Minji was scared and calmly told her to go to bed.

Minji quickly ran upstairs and locked her room like Taehyung had taught her to do in this situation. His mother's eyes landed on Taehyung. She pointed to him while taking gawky steps towards him. Taehyung stepped back out of instinct.

She asked, "Why isn't there food in the fridge, Taehyung?"

 Taehyung gulped. He had finished the remaining food in the fridge to make Minji breakfast and lunch today. 

"ANSWER ME! WHY ISN'T THERE FOOD IN THE FRIDGE? DO YOU WANT ME TO STARVE TO DEATH, HUH!" She threw the bottle in her hand at Taehyung.

 He flinched at the contact of the sharp shards with his skin, but not a sound escaped his lips. He looks down at his hands and legs and sees green-coloured shards sticking out while crimson-red blood flows down.

A single tear escapes his eyes, not from the stinging sensation of the shards, but from the actions of his callous, unloving and ruthless mother. She opens up a new bottle and quickly gulps down the liquid, while she settles down again in front of the TV.

 She looks at Taehyung and says 

"Go get me some more beer from the convenience store." Taehyung wants to argue but he knows it'll only worsen the matter. 

So, he goes upstairs, takes out his wallet, and puts on a full-sleeved jacket to hide the shards. He runs downstairs and pulls out a note from his wallet and bolts out the door.

Luckily there is a 24/7 convenience store right down the road, he picks up more beer, and some bread and makes his way to the medical store to buy a first-aid kit. He heads back home, places the beer bottles on the table, bows to his mother and rushes upstairs.

He carefully removes the jacket and grabs a pair of tweezers and a clean sock and stuffs it into his mouth as a gag, to stop the voice from escaping. He grabs the tweezers, his hands shaking from both pain and tiredness.

 As he slowly pulls out the first shards a scream escapes his lips as pain seeps into his arms. He quickly grabs a cotton ball and places it over the wound to stop the blood from flowing too much.

 As he keeps pulling out shards the pain becomes numbness.

Eventually, he falls asleep, his body too exhausted to keep going.


Taehyung wakes up with a scathing pain in his arms and drops of blood over his sheets. He didn't bother to change them because all his sheets had bloodstains on them by now. He took a shower and wore a full-sleeved shirt to hide the wounds.

 Taehyung makes his way downstairs to see Minji already seated at the table, hands on top of one other as her legs shake below the table. Taehyung passes her a confused look and asks "Why are you up so early?" 

"What did she do? Where'd you get hurt?"

Minji asks, seriousness dripping from her tone.

 "She didn't do anything to me." Minji looks at him with a 'Are you serious?' look walks up to him and rolls up his sleeves.

 She gasps when she sees the numerous wounds that litter his hand. She softly moves her hands over the wounds and looks up at Taehyung

 "You can't go to school like this, you're not okay," she says with worry. Taehyung rolls down his sleeves and says 

"It's okay and I can't afford to be absent from school." 

He places a plate of a PB&J sandwich on the table and says 

"We ran out of food so; this is all we have. I'm sorry but I have to give you the same for lunch." Minji immediately hugs Taehyung and says 

"It's okay. You don't need to apologise, I understand and anyway, PB&J is my favourite." Taehyung sighs and hugs her back. They quickly finish up and head to school.


my exams are about to finish 


and lastly, ILY and stay safe ( •̀ ω •́ )✧


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