Chapter 30

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Noah's P.O.V. ;*

I jump when Silver punches my shoulder.

"Ow, what the hell?" I snap.

Silver rolls her eyes and takes a seat next to Chance. "You should seriously see a doctor."

"Agreed," Chance says. I roll my eyes at them but continue playing some xbox. "you don't look so well dude," Chance adds.

"I'm fine, just a cold."

And that's all it was. I don't know why everyone is making a big deal about my cold, I'm just sick. Period. It's not like I'm dying or anything because I wasn't.

"So, have you talked to Cedes lately?" Silver questions when she takes a couple pieces of popcorn from the bowl on Chance's lap. I shake my head in response.

The only time I actually talked to Cedes was the other day, when she first got at Nevada. I didn't want to be that clingy boyfriend so I'm letting her do her own thing. I mean she's 17, she should be able to take care of herself. Yeah, I want to hear her voice and just be able to have one small talk with her but she hasn't called and so I want her to have her fun. Fine, I'm not going to lie its been bothering the shit out of me that she hasn't called me or even send me a quick message or just something! I want to call her so damn bad but she's in Nevada probably enjoying herself so why would I want to take that away from her?

I never really wanted Cedes to go with Emery, alone, to Nevada in the first place. I trust Cedes but its Emery I really don't trust, there's just this weird vibe I get with him I don't know it could just be my boyfriend mode going off but he's just...weird. Like the week before Cedes and him left for Nevada he didn't show up to school for a week, wouldn't that seem just the tiniest bit fishy to you? Not to mention I saw him dealing a couple weeks ago. I didn't want to confront him or start any shit because I never saw him do it again but still; he was dealing drugs. Just thinking of him and Cedes alone gives me shivers.

"Yo! My man hear back from your girl yet?" Cade exclaims as he walks in my living room then plants himself next to me. I shake my head then let out a coughing fit, swallowing gross sticky salvia. "now you sure you don't want to call? Not even now?" Cade questions as he lifts an eyebrow, I shake my head. Cade groans then grabs my phone, presses some buttons, then throws the phone at me. I hurriedly move my arms out of my blanket I was wrapped in then grab my phone. I glare at Cade when Cedes picks up after a couple rings.

"Thought I wasn't going to ever hear from you!" Cedes jokes over the line. "I miss you."

Doesn't seem like it. "I miss you too, how is everything over there? What have you guys been doing?" I ask.

"Everything's good! You know we've been just hanging out and seeing out sites. I met some of Emery's friends and today we're going to the graveyard so everything's been great! How's everything there?" Cedes asks back.

"Ever-" coughing fit, sniffle. "everything's been good. Just been going to school and heading to lacrosse practices," I reply.

"Sounds fun but only one more day then I'm finally coming home, you excited?"

I crease my eyebrows at the different sounding in Cedes voice, she sounded almost....selfish. "Yeah, we're all excited but I guess I should let you go."

"Yeah," she laughs. "I guess. Love you."

"Love you too," I mumble as she hangs up. I sigh then throw my phone on the table beside the couch.

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