Chp.9 | A sprinkle of Hope

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3rd person POV~

It had been 4 weeks since Salt had left Hotel OJ, and, not suprisingly, everything was going smoother. Paper and OJ had officially gotten married, the Cherries' being their now legal children. (Guys, I totally went to that wedding.)

Although everyone seemed to be doing well, something's been bothering Trophy for the past...month or so. He still needed to tell Cheesy his big secret. How would Trophy tell Cheesy about him being trans? Trophy wasn't sure whether Cheesy was transphobic or not, or if he even accepted gay people. (Trophy, you idiot, he kissed your hand, course he's gay.)

Cheesy POV~

I slightly turned my attention towards the birds outside as I wrote some jokes for my comedy gig. Although I wasn't sure if these jokes were any good or not, I still liked writing them. Usually, I was known for being a silly little guy, but, just as anyone else, I had my moments where I was serious. And one of those times was right now. I had something going inside my head right, a thought that hasn't left me for weeks.

Of course, I wasn't about to go ask anyone about whether my thought was true or not, as that would probably turn out bad.

As I continued to write some CHEESY puns, *kmee slap*, I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yell to the person who was knocking on my door. The door swung open, only to reveal the person who's been on my mind for the past...err...7 hours. Trophy. The tall, muscular, hot jock walked into the room, and I blushed. Hopefully Trophy didn't see my face heating up, cause that would be very weird and akward.

I saw Trophy sit down on my bed, the cushion bending under his weight. Trophy smirked at me, making me blush even more. He had some Snow White teeth, pretty as ever and straighter than Box himself.

Clealy, Trophy took care of his teeth, unlike me. I had a large gap in between my two front teeth,which made me look like some sort of hobo.

"Cheesy? I had a...quick-ish question."

Trophy's words caught me off guard, yanking my thoughts out of my head. "OH YEAH WHATS UP-?" It was obvious now: my face was redder than Amity from The Owl House when she kissed Luz. (Stawp, he would totally watch TOH be quiet.)

"Can I...tell you something? Like a really important something?"

"Sure! Anytime! What's up?"

I quickly murmured to myself, "The ceiling," which made a little chuckle emerge from Trophy. Then, Trophy went back on track.


. . .

I waited.

. . .

And Watied.

. . .

Nothing. Trophy didn't finish his sentence. Well, after a large, akward silence, he finished his sentence. It made me flicnch, scream internally, and happy, all at the same time.

"I'm trans, Cheesy. I'm not a guy...I'm a girl...err, well, biologically I wear a binder and I have a..."

Trophy POV~

I was cut off by Cheesy doing the most obscured thing. He slapped me.

Guys, what is they get in a fight haha

I'm gonna make you cry next chapter, my silly Billy's

Words: 533 (sorry for the short chapter, I wrote this late at night.)

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