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The gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore filled the air as Nicki slowly opened her eyes to see Beyonce standing over the bed, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Come on, baby, wake up! We're going skinny dipping on the beach before the sun rises," she whispered excitedly.

Nicki blinked a few times, trying to process what she was saying. "Wait, what? Skinny dipping? Bitch tell me you're joking." she asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Yes, now! The tide is perfect, and we'll have the whole beach to ourselves," Bey replied, tugging at Nicki's arm to urge her out of bed.

Nicki hesitated for a moment, but the thrill of the idea swept over her. With a nod and a smile, she quickly got up and followed her girlfriend out of the door and down the stairs to the beach.

The sand was cool under their feet as they made their way to the water's edge. The sky was just beginning to show hints of pink and orange as they reached the water, the sound of seagulls echoing in the distance.

Without hesitation, Beyoncé stripped down to her birthday suit and ran into the water, laughing as she splashed around. Nicki hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath and following suit, shedding her clothes and joining Bey in the water.

The cool water enveloped them, sending shivers down their spines as they laughed and splashed, the joy of the moment overpowering any lingering doubts. As the sun began to rise over the horizon, painting the sky in brilliant colors, Bey and Nicki swam in the cool, crystal-clear water, feeling completely free and alive.

"My nipples are rock hard right now," Nicki said groaning. "the water is so cold."

"Awww poor baby...here let me warm them up." Bey said with a smirk.

Beyoncé swam over to Nicki and took a mouthful of Nicki's breast. Licking her warm tongue around her areolas and nipples ignoring the salty taste of the sea. 

She glanced up now and again to see Nicki moaning loudly in pleasure. Beyoncé's hidden lesbian talent is knowing how to make a girl cum just by sucking on nipples. She knew the right pace to go and had a great combo that worked like a charm for her when it came to pleasing women. 

"mmm.. please don't stop," Nicki begged. 

it was very clear that Nicki was horny by now. She squirmed and breathed heavier with each tug, lick,  suck, and bite and Beyoncé knew exactly what she was doing to her.

"you wanna get out this water and get your pussy eaten until you cum in my mouth a couple of times baby? I feel like you deserve it. " Bey said into Nicki's ear softly.

"I deserve it?" Nicki moaned out, her lips poked out like the big baby that she was.

"mhm... you deserve nothing this morning but body massages, good food, and orgasms." Bey enticed. 

Bey kissed and licked up nicki's neck exposing it to cool air before doing it again. She laughed to herself as she watched Nicki's body tense up by her touch. She had that woman wrapped around her finger.

"Let me spoil you, baby." Beyoncé moaned into Nicki's ear

She took a deep breath and then leaned into Bey nodding her head gently. "okay baby"

As they emerged from the water, their bodies glistening in the early morning light, Bey turned to Nicki with a grin. "stay right here" she said,  before wrapping her woman and herself in a towel.

Nicki smiled back, feeling a sense of exhilaration and freedom that she hadn't experienced in a long time. As they walked back to the shore, hand in hand, she knew that this impromptu adventure was just the beginning of many more to come.

THE HONEY TRAP | BeyNikaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang