Hanging out at Xander's home

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School has been done as the students begins to head home. Xander is walking on the sidewalk and made it home safe as he pulls out his house key, unlocked the door and walked inside and closed it behind him.

Xander: Mom, I'm home!

Xander's mom: Hey sweetie. Your dad went shopping but he'll be back.

Xander: Thanks.

Xander's mom: By the way, how's school?

Xander: School is good. We have a new student that came today.

Xander's mom: Oh! You mean Kiara Onizaki? I did saw her walking to school 3 hours ago. Her mother and one of their maids helped them with their things and their our neighbors.

Xander: That's what Kirara told me. Also, you don't mind if she hangs out tonight because she's on her way.

Xander's mom: No, no, not at all. She's our neighbor after all.*hears a knock on the door* I'll go get the door.

Xander: I'll go upstairs and change.*sees his mom nodded as he heads upstairs*

Xander's mom:*unblocks and open the door revealing Kirara Onizaki* Kirara, you're here.

Kirara: Hello Mrs. Long, is Xander here?

Xander's mom: He is. He's upstairs at his room changing. I see you brought your bag.

Kirara: Yes because we're going to do homework together. Can I come in?

Xander's mom: Yes, feel free.

As Kirara walked inside, she begins to look around the building seeing how nice it is. She then see the photo of him and his mom and dad hanging out at the park and photos of his friends in elementary winning the martial arts tournament.

Kirara: Wow...

Xander's mom: Beautiful isn't it? My boy is likes martial arts because he's been watching anime.

Kirara: Really?

Xander's mom: Oh yes, he likes them not to mention he has a manga collection in his room. Anyway, go upstairs I'm sure Xander is done.

Kirara: Thank you.

Kirara begins to head upstairs till she sees the door cracked with the light on. She peek till she sees him getting dressed. It made her eyes widened while blushing seeing his body all built.

Kirara:*thoughts blushing mad* Oh...my...god... He's so build...and muscular...

(A/N: Edit made by me)

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(A/N: Edit made by me)

Kirara took a deep as she begins to knocking the door.

Xander:*hears the door knocking* Who is it?

Kirara: I-Its me Kirara. Your mom let me inside your home and I'm in the hallway.*hears footsteps as the door open seeing him*

Xander: Kirara, you made it.*sees her holding her bag* I see you've brought your bag.

Kirara: Yes because we both had homework that needs to be done. I feel working like together will be a good idea.

Xander: Well, why not. Come on in.

Kirara:*walks inside to his room and looks around* Wow...*sees his collection of mangas and anime collection* You're a Dragon Ball fan?

Xander: Not only Dragon Ball fan, I'm also a Gundam Build Fighter, Naruto, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and My Hero Academia fan.

Kirara: I see.*smiles* It's nice that you know of them.

Xander: Yeah. So, ready to do our homework.

Kirara: Of course. I don't want failed miserably like I did to Bitch back at school.

Xander: Hehe, well he had it coming.

Kirara: Indeed. Now, let's get busy shall we.

Xander: Of course.

As both starting to do their homework. Kiara begins to say something in her thoughts.

Kirara (thoughts): I must say, Xander is not like the rest of men. He's calm, collective, a nice attitude, and... something more that I can't describe. Could he be the one that the prophecy said?*shakes her head while smiling* No, not now Kirara, you just met him. Starting tomorrow, I think getting to know him will be a good start after school. Right now, Xander and I need to get our work done. But then again...maybe he's the one I'm looking for.

To be continued...

Updated: 02/21/2024 - 10:41 p.m. - 12:51 a.m.

Published: 02/22/2024 - 12:51 a.m. - 12:52 a.m.

My Girlfriend is a Beautiful Ice Oni (Oc x Kiara Onizaki) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now