2 | The beginning of everything

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As time went on our band made a new album called "Mutter". I was really tired from all the recording so after the album was released I took a nice break. Not a week after I suddenly got a message from Richard.

R— "Heyy Pauli have you seen it?! Our album is a huge success! I'm so happy!"

I rubbed my eyes to see if it was real

P— "Wha- really?! Oh my god... I'm so happy too aaa!!! :)"

R— "There are a tons of copies sold already, we're really popular around Germany now!"
P— "Oh my... we need to celebrate that!"
R—"Omg you're a genius! We have so much money now... we can throw a whole fancy party"
P—"Ohh yes! You know we can invite our producers and some fans... it would be epic!"
R— "Hell yeah! But of course that needs a lot of preparation... do you wanna go have a drink with me for now?"
P—"Oh yeah sure Reesh! When?"
R— "Wanna meet in a hour?"
P—"Sounds good!"
R—"Okay see you then!"

I smiled at my phone before putting it away. I then stood up and grabbed some pretty clothes so I wouldn't look homeless.


I arrive at the bar. Richard was sitting there with a beer and a huge smile on his face. I returned the smile and sat down with him. "Hey Reesh!" I said happily. "Hey Pauli! I'm sorry I was thirsty so I already took a drink...oops" Richard said while scratching his head. "Don't worry" I said. We talked about some plans we could possibly do. Our idea was to throw a huge party in Paris. Paris is known as the city of love so a lot of couples would maybe come too. And besides Paris is also a pretty city! Of course we still had to discuss things with the whole band, but I just loved on how me and Richard had the same ideas.

After a good drink and a nice conversation we leave the bar. As me and Richard walk away from the bar we decided we should go to my house. We walked though the city park to reach my house. As we cross a bridge we stop and take a look at the water and the nice ducks. "Haha look! That duck is eating bread! How cu—" I couldn't finish my sentence. I looked at Richard and he seemed to be staring at something. He wasn't even paying attention. I tried to find out what he was looking at because he looked upset. I then noticed a gay couple that Richard was staring at. I raised an eyebrow and thought... "Why is he looking at them like that... is he homophobic...?" I then decided to ask what was on his mind. "Hey Reesh why are you staring at those guys like that?" I asked softly. Richard seemed uncomfortable and nervous. It was like something was bothering him. "I-I uhm..." Richard said before sighing and looking down. "Paul... have you... ever questioned your sexuality...?" Richard suddenly asked me. My eyes widened and I raised an eyebrow. "No... wait Richard... what is going on..?" I asked Richard softly, I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. "I-i... I don't know what I'm into..." Richard said before looking down. "I-I feel like... I might like boys too..." Richard said. My eyes widened in shock. "WHAT?" I said in surprise. Richard, a guy who is always dating some hot girl suddenly is questioning his sexuality. Richard his eyes widened a little at Paul's response. "I-I'm sorry..." Richard said. I felt bad now. "No no no! Don't apologize! It's okay to like boys! I was just a little surprised... but I support you man..." I said as softly as I could to not hurt my best friend. "Thank you Paul..." Richard said with an awkward smile. I could tell he didn't feel comfortable exposing himself like that. But on the other hand, I can help him out now. As we continue to walk Richard explained how he had fallen in love with a guy recently. I listened closely to him and tried to give him the best advice. Once we arrive at my house we did some tests, and most of them said that Richard might be bisexual. Luckily Richard felt more comfortable as time passed about his sexuality.

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