3 | Dumb crush

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As time went on Richard fell in love with a guy that he worked with. I have met him before and if I'm being honest— he is not bad looking. But he is really arrogant. I don't like him that much but if Richard likes him then who am I to stop him. Richard talked about him daily and how he wish he could kiss him. Deep inside I wanted to stop Richard but I didn't want to make him feel bad.

One day I woke up in the morning. Everything was normal. I'm not a morning person so it took me a while to get out of my cozy bed. I went to my kitchen to grab some coffee but then I suddenly heard my doorbell ring. *"Who the fuck wants me this early?!" I thought. Even though I was still wearing my pyjamas I answered the door. Surprisingly it was Richard. He didn't seem happy at all and looked like was about to burst out into tears. "Richard what's up what are you doing here this early? Is everything okay?" I asked Richard softly. Richard walked inside my house without even responding. As I closed the door behind us I saw his lip shake. "I-I told him today.. t-that I liked him..." Richard said with a extremely shaky voice. I knew he was gonna to burst out of tears. "A-and..." Richard started to tear up "H-he's so disgusted of me... h-he hates me..." Richard said as he started to cry and sob. My eyes widened and I quickly pulled Richard closer for a warm comforting hug* "Shhh.. Richard... I know it's hard... but he wasn't really your type... there are much nicer people that will respect you!" I said trying to cheer up Richard but he kept crying. He snuggled his head in my chest and my pyjamas got soaked by his tears.
After he cried for almost 10 minutes he finally calmed down. "H-he said... t-that gay people disgust him...." Richard said. "Well don't take it seriously Reesh. It's not your fault that you feel that way." I said as I hugged Richard once more. When I saw him trying to hug me back I noticed a cut on his wrist. I immediately froze and grabbed his wrist. Richard had a hard time before I met him. He ran away from home, did self harm and drugs and barely ate. Luckily I managed to help him with all of it. He promised he would never do it again but... here he is again... just for a crush... "Richard... please... don't do it again..." I said to Richard with a sad tone. I felt disappointed that he was cutting himself again. "I-I'm so sorry...." Richard said while crying before he hugged he tightly. I knew he was having a hard time so I tried giving him all my love. As hour passed Richard managed to calm down. We talked and I understood him. He just wanted to be with that guy so badly, but sadly life doesn't always give you the things you want. After a long day night fell and we both were tired. I invited Richard to stay over if he wanted. He agreed so I prepared the couch so he could sleep on it but suddenly he asked me something weird. "Paul... can I... sleep with you..? Like in one bed...?" Richard asked me. I raised an eyebrow and hesitated. "Isn't that weird... I mean... you know...?" I asked softly, hoping I wouldn't make him upset. Richard frowned, "Please? It's not like we're gonna to have sex... and besides no one will even know... I just want to have someone by my side..." Richard said. I then sighed and nodded "Fine just don't snore or I will throw you out of the window" I joked. Richard chuckled softly, "I won't don't worry..." he said. Later we both settled down in my bed. He snugged up next to me and hugged me tightly.  It felt a little weird specially since Richard was actually into boys but I didn't wanted to sound homophobic or anything so I just hugged back tightly until we both drifted away to dream land.

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