9 | Maybe i am gay....

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I ran through the building, desperately trying to find Richard. He is a really emotional guy and the smallest things can make him sad, and when he's sad he does regrettable things... The hall was huge because it had so many rooms... I first went to the changing rooms but I didn't see him there. Then I ran trowards the bathroom where I saw Till. "Till oh god... have you seen Richard?!" I asked worryingly. "No, wasn't he with you?" Till asked. I sighed, "Well yeah but... it's a long story I'll tell you later..." I said before running off again. I checked every room and every corner of the building but Richard was no where to be seen. I wasn't gonna to lose hope though.

As I almost walked around for 30 minutes I suddenly heard someone play guitar. It was Richard! He was sitting on a balcony while playing guitar and watching the beautiful night sky. "Richard..." I said softly before sitting down next to him on the ground. "Oh... hi..." Richard said before he putted away his guitar. I could see that his eyes were red and he probably cried. "Listen... I'm sorry for leaving you behind... I-i just couldn't stop Emily from dragging me a-away and-" yet I couldn't finish my sentence. "It's okay..." Richard said barely above a whisper. "No it's not..." I said. "No it is okay. If you like Emily... you can go dance with her..." Richard said while hugging his knees. My eyes widened a bit at Richard's comment. "What nonono! I don't like Emily she's not my type..." I sighed. And it's not okay... I know you probably cutted yourself just now didn't you...?" I said softly while looking at Richard. Richard started to tear up. He clearly was hiding some stuff. "I-I'm sorry... I-i just can't help it...." Richard said while he cried. I gave Richard a night hug to cheer him up."Don't apologize Richard... it's just a bad habit of yours and you need and try to not do it..." I said to him. He snuggled against me and cried. After some minutes he was done with crying. He sighed and grabbed the guitar again. "This was just all a misunderstanding... I never liked Emily okay....?" I said with a sigh. I then looked down and hesitated for a bit. Richard started to play on the guitar. He was such a good guitar player... I loved every melody he played. But I really needed his advice now... "Richard...?" I asked. "Yes Paul?" Richard asked quietly. I sighed and looked at him in the eyes. "I-I think.... I might be questioning my sexuality lately.... I don't know... why and how... it confuses me...." I said honestly. Richard froze and his eyes had some weird sparkle on them. "W-wait so you're telling me that you might be into boys..?" Richard asked. I looked down and nodded "Well... yeah... I don't know... I don't wanna be like this though.... But I can't help it." Richard smiled "Hey don't worry I get it... I had the same issue when I found out I was bi..." Richard said softly. I chuckled and looked at the beautiful sky as I listening to Richard's music that he was playing. It was silent between us now. Unsure what to say or do I did feel something weird I haven't felt in a long while. Me and Richard, alone on a fancy balcony in the middle of Paris was just a vibe. My heartbeat increased and I started to breath heavier. Meanwhile Richard was just playing some guitar because it calmed him down from all the thoughts. After minutes of awkward silence Richard spoke. "But... are you like bisexual... or are you actually gay...?" Richard asked softly. I looked at Richard and my eyes sparkled. "I don't know... if I'm being honest I feel like I had lost interest in women..." I admitted. Richard chuckled "hey don't worry... having a boyfriend is cute too" Richard said. I chuckled as well, "Yeah... maybe..." I said softly. Yet again the silence appeared. I looked at she beautiful night sky when I suddenly felt something against my finger. I looked down at my hand and noticed Richard's hand slowly moving towards mine. My cheeks reddened and our fingers slowly touched. Our fingers touched each others until we were suddenly holding hands. I looked at his hand before looking into his cute eyes. There was no one talking but I could see his eyes talk. We were now holding hands while watching the beautiful night sky. I felt confident enough to lean closer to Richard. I rested my head on his shoulder and I hugged his arm. A blush appeared on Richard's face aswell now that we were this close...

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