5 | Im not gay...?

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I still think about what happened back when we bought the suits. I never expected Richard to moan like that. It somehow hit me. I suddenly feel embarrassed while hugging Richard or something. I feel since he came out as bisexual things have changed. I don't know why... 

One day me and Richard met up to play some guitar. It's been a while since we last played together. All the stuff that happened made us feel exhausted. I went to Richard's house were we started to play some guitar. It was summer and it was very hot. Both me and Richard were sweating like beasts! Suddenly Richard stopped playing and sighed. "Oh fuck... I'm so soaked..." Richard said. "Yeah I get it, I'm soaked as well" I said. Before I did anything else Richard suddenly stripped off his shirt. He had a pretty nice body since he did work out. His abs were sweaty and it made them even more attractive. My face became red instantly as I stared at his abs. Then I realized I was staring too much so I quickly turned my head but my face was still red as a tomato. "Do you want a drink? Your face is red, I bet you're hot too huh?" Richard asked innocently. He didn't even seem to notice that I was blushing because of his body. "I-I uhm... yeah sounds good..." I said while looking away. "Paul what the fuck are you thinking... he's just a friend!" I thought to myself as Richard walked off to get some drinks. I sighed and looked down. I was confused since lately I was way more embarrassed around Richard than usual. "I'm not gay, I had a wife! This shit makes no sense..." I thought again. Richard then arrived with two cold beers. As he handed the beer over I again stared at his abs. I didn't even notice myself honestly. I just stared at it. Then I shook my head, realizing I was obviously staring too much. I felt so embarrassed about it. Why am I always looking at his exposed abs?! I tried to get the thought of my mind but sadly it didn't. As hours passed I eventually leave Richard's house because it was getting late. As soon as I arrived home I layed down in my bed. "What is this... I suddenly feel so... weird... about Richard..."I thought. I stared at my walls as I started to overthink. Eventually after gathering all my thoughts I grabbed my computer. I sighed and searched up a 'Am I gay?' test? I clicked on one link and started the test. I took my time to answer all answers. Once I'm done I looked at the results; 'You are either bisexual or gay. Right now it seems that your bisexual but things can change during time. Just follow your heart' the result said. I sighed and felt like I didn't want to accept that. "What a bullshit! I'm not gay.." I said to myself before trying out other quizzes. All of them said that I was either gay or bisexual. Eventually I got mad and closed my computer before I decided to take a nap and relax myself after this crazy day...

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