8 | I messed up!

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Finally guests started to arrive. The hall was slowly getting filled. I was walking to Richard while we watched the other band members and their dates. We were both surprised on how they managed to pull off such a girls. I was so far enjoying it but then suddenly a girl walked trowards us. She has blonde hair and a nice body. She seemed like the type of girl that every man wants to have but still she didn't catch my eye. She looked at me and Paul before speaking. "Omg hello! My name is Emily and I am a huge fan of Rammstein! Specially you Paul" she said in a flirty way. I felt a little uncomfortable with her but I didn't want to be rude.
P— "Oh thank you Emily. Nice to meet you, we appreciate our fans"
R— "Yes indeed"
E— "Paul, are you here alone with no date?"
P— "Uhm... well yeah..."

I felt really uncomfortable around Emily because she kept talking in a flirty voice but it didn't attract me at all.

E— "Oh gosh don't worry! I will help you out!" Emily said before she suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me away to the bar. Richard followed us with a surprised face. We all 3 sat down and we started to talk. Emily was really one of those popular girls and she annoyed me. She kept flirting with me but I didn't want to break her heart. Richard was sitting next to me all the time but he barely said a word. He was the third wheel. I felt bad for him but I couldn't stop Emily. She seemed so confident and thought that I liked her or something. I saw Richard slowly turning sadder and sadder by second. I tried to get rid of Emily but suddenly a romantic song started to play. "Oh gosh Paul let's dance!" Emily said before quickly dragging me on the dance floor. Richard stayed on the seats and just watched us leave. I felt so bad for him. Emily pulled me closer and warped her arms around me. "Paul.. this is so beautiful... and you are too" Emily said. "Listen okay... you're cool but I don't know if w-" I couldn't finish my sentence. She slammed her lips on mine just like that. I saw Richard's sad look as he watched us. He was sitting alone... and I was just kissing a girl in front of him. I quickly pulled back. I was mad at Emily now. "Hey cut it! I don't like you!" I said in a loud voice. "Oh cmon Paul..." Emily said before she leaned closer again. I quickly backed off and sighed. "No I don't like you..." I said before walking back to the seats. I wanted to spend the night with Richard but when I arrived back at the bar he was gone....

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