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Hours before, I appeared in the Salvatore manor.

Hours before, I appeared in the Salvatore manor

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Perched atop the building, fueled by a reckless desire—the kind that drives comic book heroes to leap from rooftops and defy gravity. The city sprawled beneath me, a pulsing tapestry of lights and shadows. My laughter echoed in the night, a secret shared with the stars.

But then it came—the insistent tug, the cosmic whisper. Entropy, the unruly architect of chaos, beckoned. His call was not gentle; it clawed at my consciousness, demanding acknowledgment. I had ignored it for too long, pretending that the world’s unraveling was not my burden.

Now, perched on this precipice, I must decide. Will I heed the call? Will I embrace the chaos and become its willing accomplice? Or will I remain a mere observer, clinging to my fragile sanity?

The city awaits my answer. Its heartbeat syncopated with mine. And so, with a breath that tastes of uncertainty, I leap—into the abyss into entropy’s waiting arms. Entropy has not given me a choice; it is a certainty, a force that shapes galaxies and tears them apart from the world.

A paradox, a contradiction. The city blurs, and I surrender to the chaos, my laughter swallowed by the void.

Entropy calls, and I answer.

Following the ethereal tug that binds me to Entropy, I arrived at the scene to witness a peculiar gathering. People sat and swayed, their movements synchronized like leaves in a cosmic breeze. As I approached the epicenter, the dance ceased abruptly, and their eyes, luminous pools of emerald, locked onto me.

In that charged silence, Entropy’s voice echoed through their collective consciousness. “My dear sweet chaos,” it intoned, a spectral whisper carried on unseen currents. “How we have missed you.”

The human vessel I now inhabited seemed to please Entropy. “Nice new reincarnation,” it mused, its tone dripping with otherworldly amusement. “Love the body—far superior to the last ones.”

A wicked grin played across my lips as I met its gaze. “Oh, how many times have I killed you? Or should I say how many times have you allowed yourself to be devoured to protect your precious ones?” they retorted my words with a dance of defiance. But Entropy merely chuckled, a symphony of fractured realities converting that moment.

And so, the cosmic waltz continued—a dance of souls, memories, and ancient enmities. The circle tightened, and I reveled in the paradox: both adversary and confidant, bound by threads older than time itself.

Entropy, my other self, I thought, we shall pirouette through eternity, our steps etching chaos upon the fabric of existence.

" Enough with the games, Entropy; I don't want to talk with your puppets, so Enough with your games. I demanded of them.

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