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Mikaelson manson

Rebekah's once beautiful features were contorted in pain and distress as she hunched over the toilet, the sound of violent retching punctuating the silence. Blood splattered from her mouth, staining the porcelain a garish crimson, and with each heave, several teeth clattered against the bowl.

Her reflection in the mirror only heightened her despair—her skin had taken on an ashen pallor, and her eyes bore the telltale redness of broken capillaries. The transformation was both alarming and disheartening.

Just then, Klaus entered the room, his eyes widening at the sight of his sister's suffering. "What is wrong with you?" he demanded, though his words held a hint of genuine concern beneath the gruffness.

Rebekah, too consumed by her own pain and resentment, merely shot her brother a bitter glance. "Like you care," she spat, her voice laden with pain.

With a trembling hand, Rebekah wiped the blood from her mouth, the crimson liquid smearing against the back of her hand. Despite the agony coursing through her body, she was determined to maintain her facade as a human teenager, no matter the cost.

"I have to get ready for homecoming," she announced, her voice wavering slightly as she pushed past her brother.

Klaus, ever the cynic, couldn't resist a smirk. "So you're still pretending to be a student?" he questioned, his tone rife with amusement and derision.

Refusing to be baited, Rebekah shoved her pain deep down, turning to face her brother with a steely gaze. "Yes, because it's the closest thing I can get to being human without you sucking the joy out of my life."

With that, Rebekah swept past Klaus, her stride surprisingly steady given the internal turmoil she was experiencing. There was no time for weakness, not when she had a dance to prepare for—a dance that served as a fleeting reminder of the life she had always longed for but could never truly attain.

As Rebekah left to ready herself for the homecoming dance, Klaus found himself alone in the room, the weight of his unspoken thoughts heavy upon his shoulders. His mind raced as he began to formulate a plan—one born not only out of his desire to unsettle Cassandra, but also out of a deeply buried need that he himself was not yet ready to acknowledge.

Through the network of spies he had strategically placed around Cassandra, Klaus had learned of her anticipation for the dance. This knowledge was like a siren's call to him, drawing him in with the promise of wreaking havoc and throwing her off balance.

Or so he told himself.

In truth, Klaus's motivations were far more complicated than he was willing to admit. There was something about Cassandra that drew him in, a magnetic pull that he could neither explain nor ignore. As he plotted and schemed, he couldn't help but wonder if perhaps there was more to his intentions than a simple desire for chaos—if, perhaps, his true feelings lay buried beneath the surface, waiting to be uncovered.

Gilbert Residents.

As the morning sunlight filtered through her bedroom window, i stirred from my slumber, the lingering fog of sleep quickly dissipating as i became aware of the activity surrounding me. The sound of hangers clinking together and the rustle of fabric pulled me fully into the waking world, and i realized my sister, Elena, was already rummaging through my closet in search of the perfect homecoming outfit.

"Ah, god, I hate that you have better fashion sense than me," Elena teased, a playful grin tugging at the corners of her mouth.

Chuckling, i replied, "Thanks, sis. But if you can't find anything to wear, let's just stay in and watch bad TV."

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