homecoming part 2

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Cassandra’s awakening was a disorienting blend of pain and confusion. As her eyes fluttered open, the sun’s rays streamed through the slats on her blinds, casting a warm glow over her body. The room felt familiar, and she struggled to make sense of her surroundings. But it wasn’t just the physical discomfort that gripped her; it was the metallic bite of handcuffs digging into her wrists.

The room was silent except for the soft creaking of the bed as she stretched. Her breasts lifted with her arms, and she greeted the sun, momentarily forgetting her predicament. But reality crashed back the cold, unyielding metal, the ache in her limbs. She is back in mystic falls

Who cleaned her up? Why? The questions swirled in her mind, but the answers soon came to her as the last thing she remembered before fainting was seeing the Salvatore boys.

like fragments of a half-remembered dream. I tested the handcuffs, and I chuckled to myself because I could easily break it, but I really wanted to see where this goes.

Footsteps can be heard coming toward the room that I am in.

" Well, Matilda, I got to say seeing you in handcuffs in my bed well just say when? Damon proceeded to make her angry.

" What the fuck is this? Remove this now before I . I didn't get to finish my sentence before a pissed blond walked into Damon room.

" You will do no such thing. Damon, maybe an ass, but he wasn't the one who abandoned his family and friends to do God knows what and with whom . Also, he wasn't the one that handcuffs you i did. Caroline suddenly explodes in anger.

" Wait, goldilocks. When did you become kinky? I responded.

" Seriously, that what you are are focusing on? Caroline is still pissed at her.

" No, but I was hoping that by focusing on that, I could distract you, and you will not ask me any questions.  I responded, remorseful.

" Sorry, little fire, but this time a stern talking to won't work or spill your gut and maybe we will decide if we will forgive you for not let us know  how you were fairing. Enzo crosses his arms as he walks into Damon room with and expressing of relief anger and disappointment.

I turned to see my siblings having the same look on their faces.

I feel in the bed and swore out loud " fuck!.

" fine you want answers I need to eat. If one of you makes food, we will talk downstairs after I change out of this clothes.

Cassandra sits at the dinner table, the aroma of simmering spices filling the manor. The pot bubbled with anticipation, much like her own heart. The food was almost ready, but her nerves danced like restless fireflies.

Three months had passed since she left home, chasing demons that had whispered to her in the quiet hours of night. She’d wandered through the blood-soaked and rain-soaked streets, hunting vermin like seashells along the shore. Cassandra had tasted violence and freedom and felt it seep into her bones, and now she carried it back with her.

But family, those sturdy roots that anchored her loomed ahead. Their opinions mattered, their expectations etched into her skin. Would they understand her journey? Could they still see the sister or friend that she was, or will they only see the monster that she has always been?.

Cassandra’s hands trembled as she rehearsed her words. She’d tell them about the strangers who became friends, the violence that painted her soul, and  her secrets that have now become even more dangerous. S

Yet fear clung to her like morning mist. Would they embrace her  or wrap her in worry? Cassandra took a deep breath, her heart a compass pointing toward home. The food was done, but the real feast awaited a table set with vulnerability, acceptance, and love.

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