Chapter 5 - The hunt begins

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She bolts out the door as if I'm the devil here to corrupt her. Her friends laugh so hard they're holding their stomachs. When her figure is lost to sight, I turn to the girls.

"Oh, my god," Eve says and wipes at her eyes. "That was so much funnier than I thought it would be."

I frown. "What's going on?"

Eve straightens and stands in front of me, ignoring Steph and Fiona.

"I'm sorry," she says and puts a hand on my arm. "We were just having some fun with our new roommate. I promise you won't have to hang out with her anymore."

"I don't think she liked me." I try to spot her in the crowd, but she's somewhere outside.

Eve laughs. "She just needed to be taught her place."

I take a step away from her. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Eve follows and stands even closer. "Never mind her. Dance with me."

I never liked Eve. Somehow she got her hooks into Liam, and he was obsessed with her. For his sake, I played nice. But they're not together anymore.

"I don't dance with my best friend's exes."

"Liam doesn't have to know."

I shake my head. "I'd know. And you guys are cruel." Pulling away from her, I walk the same way she, Lily, ran.

"It was a joke," Eve yells after me. "The poor girl has a thing for you. It's funny."

My brow furrows. I don't understand the funny bit. She seemed shy, but that's not funny. And she's easily the most gorgeous woman here. She has the type of perfect figure that seems impossible. Curves that could kill a man and legs for days. The soft scent that came from her hair made me want to bury my face in her brown locks.

And those lips. The way she bit her bottom lip made me want to lick it. It took every ounce of restraint I had to not let my thumb slide up to touch her flawless mouth.

But the kicker came when she finally looked at me and I saw eyes I wanted to drown in. Blue eyes, so deep and full of emotion that I could spend hours studying them.

People try to stop me as I move into the backyard, but I ignore them. Being six foot four has its advantages, and it doesn't take long before I spot her. She's standing alone on the lawn, typing on her phone. And she seems utterly unaware of the guys leering at her.

"Look, it's her," some guy says next to me. I glance over. He's looking at Lily. "Here, hold this." He hands his beer to his friend and runs his fingers through his hair. "How do I look?"

"Fine," the friend answers.

"Wish me luck," the guy says and takes aim at Lily.

My hand shoots out and lands on his shoulder. "I don't think so."

His head swivels back to me and the initial anger dies as he sees me.


"She's mine," I say and nod to Lily. I don't raise my voice. I'm just stating a fact.

"Right," the guy says. He gives Lily one last look as she lowers her phone and clears his throat. For a moment, I think he's going to argue, but he just turns around and heads back inside. He knows who I am. Everyone knows who I am. If they don't know me from the UNI Lions, they follow me on TikTok, or, worst of all, they know who my father is and how many billions of dollars I stand to inherit. I prefer when they just know me as the most aggressive forward the UNI Lions has seen in decades.

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