Chapter 60 - Meeting the parents

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Ethan leaves after breakfast and I explain the situation to Ginny. She doesn't even hesitate before agreeing to help me out.

As she starts preparing their dinner, I bring out every single piece of clothing I own, and try them on for her. We finally agree on a simple black dress.

She instructs Damon and Tony on the cooking and does my makeup and hair right next to them.

I feel slightly more confident when Ethan arrives. Ginny is amazing at what she does. But in the car, the nerves grow again. Ethan turns onto a private driveway and my eyes almost bug out at the sight of his house. It's huge.

"Did you grow up here?" I ask as he helps me out.

"Mostly, yes. We also have a few other places around the world."

He holds my arm as we approach the door.

"We've had very different upbringings."

Inside, it feels more like a museum than a home. A housekeeper shows us to a sitting room where his parents are waiting.

"Mom, dad. This is Lily Austin, the woman I love."

His mom startles a bit at the introduction.

"Lily, this is my mom, Elisabeth, and my dad, James."

"It's nice to meet you." I wonder for a moment if I should curtsy. His mom hasn't made a move to get up, but his dad puts down his drink and comes to shake my hand.

"Have a seat, both of you."

I carefully sit on the sofa, but before Ethan can sit down, his mom stands up.

"Ethan, a minute."

Ethan looks at me, but I smile and nod. He follows her out of the room.

"A drink?" James asks.

"Thank you, perhaps a soda water?"

I try to take in the paintings and statuettes, but it's all so overwhelming.

"So, what are you studying?" he asks as he hands me the drink.

"Computer science."

He sits down and I try not to squirm under his gaze.

"And do you intend to work in the field?"

"Yes, that has always been the plan."

"You're not in college to party and have fun."

I give him a wry smile. "I don't have much time for that. Not between studies and my job."

"Where do you work?"

"A bar called Lucky's. It's a decent job, and the money is good. Plus, it has a really good manager."

"Is that important? A good manager?"

I squint at him. This feels like a test.

"Of course. People work for money, but if they don't feel supported and heard, why would they put in any extra effort? Or hesitate to leave at the drop of a hat?"

He nods, and I think I passed the test.

"I've had a number of jobs," I continue. "And the ones where I worked the hardest have been the ones with good managers and a supportive work environment. Wouldn't you agree?"

He nods slowly. "My father would not have agreed. But times are changing. And loyalty used to go both ways. Now, I see more and more employers demanding it, without knowing they need to provide it first."

The door opens and Ethan hurries to sit down next to me.

"I hope dad wasn't grilling you." He looks suspiciously at his dad.

"Not at all," I say and smile.

"Tell me about your family," Elisabeth says and pours herself a drink.

"My mother died when I was a baby, so my dad raised me mostly on his own. For a long time, it was just the two of us. In my teens, he met someone new and remarried. She came with a son, so I have a younger stepbrother. Unfortunately, my dad died." I stare at my fingers. Ethan covers my hands with his and I smile up at him.

"That's enough," he says. "The interrogation is over."

Elisabeth sighs and sits down. "Well, we have to get to know her. She's the first woman you've ever brought home to us."

I blink at Ethan. "Is that true?"

He nods. I take his hand and squeeze it.

"I suppose there's only one thing we need to know," Elisabeth says. She pins me down with her steel eyes. "Do you love my son?"

I sit up straighter. "I do. I love him."

She's evaluating me and I have the distinct feeling it's do or die.

"And you're not after his money?"

Ethan chuckles. "I almost wish she was. Then I wouldn't have to go to extreme lengths to take care of her."

I give him a glare that he ignores.

"I'm not after his money," I say firmly. "I plan to make my own."

"What do you mean?" James asks Ethan.

Ethan raises an eyebrow at me, as if he's asking how much he can say. I nod. Better get it all out there. If they don't like me, at least we'll know. Whatever he thinks they need to know, I trust him.

"When she got kicked out of her apartment and was sleeping in her car, she tried to keep it from me, because she's strong and independent and needs to learn to ask for help. She doesn't rely on anyone else. I basically had to kidnap her and force her to stay with me until her new place became available. And since I knew she wouldn't accept any money from me, I paid for her meal card for the spring semester."

I close my eyes and know my face is bright red from the humiliation of needing so much help. I understand why he's telling them all of this, but it still feels like a failure that I couldn't take care of myself.

"And I pay her landlady monthly for groceries so she'll make sure Lily eats."

My eyes fly open. "You do what?"

He shrugs. "She'd probably feed you even if I didn't pay."

"I thought that was a one-time thing. That's why I didn't say anything. I can..." I remember that his parents are in on the conversation, so I just glare at him. "We'll talk about this later."

James laughs, and I blush again.

"Oh, she'll keep you in check," he says to his son. "And maybe that's what you need."

A ghost of a smile flickers over Elisabeth's face before she takes a sip of her drink.

Once dinner is over, I'm exhausted. I practically hang onto Ethan's arm as we walk to the car.

"Do you hate me now?"

Surprised, I look at him. "No, why would I?"

He shrugs and opens the door for me. "My parents can be intimidating. But you seemed to be able to hold your own."

I get in and he walks around to the driver's side.

"I think I'll be able to get along with them. They seem like good people."

"Good, I'm glad." He kisses my hand before starting the car.

"Do you think they liked me?"

"How could they not?"

"Ethan, I'm serious."

"I think my dad likes you and my mom will warm up to you."

I nod. I can work with that.

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