Chapter 43 - Attempted duping

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I get ready for the date and leave the car in a parking lot before I walk to the library.

As I'm walking, my phone rings.

"Hi, Alice," I say and pinch the bridge of my nose. I am in no mood to be talking to her. I'm still cramping and slightly nauseous and I just want a nice evening with Ethan.

"I'm out of options."

"What are you talking about?" I cross the street and slow down as I reach the quad.

Alice sighs on the other end. "We have to sell the house."

"No." My immediate reaction is visceral. "We're not selling the house. Dad wanted me to have it. That's why he left half of it to me."

"But you haven't sent any money for the bills. Having a house isn't free. And I've been paying for everything so far. You have no idea how taxing it is. I don't have the money to keep it. There's electricity, heat, and water. Not to mention taxes and upkeep. I can't take it anymore."

My heart plummets and I stop under one of the large trees. "You can't do this. I can get some money. I just need time."

"When? Because I've been waiting. But you know the hospital bills are piling up. Unless you can actually send me your share of the costs, we will have to sell."

I close my eyes and take a breath. "Can I at least have some time to think about it?"

"You need to send me whatever money you have. I know you're on a scholarship. We're barely scraping by on my salary. Think about your brother."

Something inside me snaps. It's all just too much. "If I had money, I wouldn't be sleeping in my car." The words are much harsher than intended, but Alice just sighs.

"Fine, abandon us. Let me know when that fancy college degree pays off." There's scorn in her voice. She tried to talk me out of going to UNI and all of last year she went on about how I should get a job instead and contribute.

When she hangs up, I put away the phone and try to shake it all off. I don't know what to do about Alice. I understand that she's struggling as well. And that she now sees me as an adult. But there's not much I can do about the house or her bills. As I enter the library, I desperately miss my dad. He would know what to do and he would be there for me.

I find a secluded place to sit and just stare at the wall. I'm still staring, trying to come up with some solution, when Ethan texts that he's outside.

Ethan. For an evening, I can forget about everything and just go have fun with him.

He's parked close to the entrance and leaning against the car. I'm smiling as I come up to him.

"Hey, beautiful," he says and kisses my cheek.

"Hey, yourself."

He opens the car door and I get in. I put Alice and the house out of my mind. I can't do anything about that right now, so I might as well try to forget it.

"I brought this," Ethan says as he gets into the car.

"What is it?" I take the package and furrow my brows at it.

"It's a heating pad. I use them sometimes when I have sore muscles. I looked it up and they're supposed to be good for cramping."

I flip the package over and read the instructions. "Ok."

"Are you still cramping?"

I meet his concerned eyes. "A little. The first day is always the worst, but yeah. I'm still cramping."

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